Chapter 1| "Has she gone mad?"

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  All Levi wanted was for her to come back. Was it such a difficult thing for him to hope for?
Why couldn't Hanji be back to asking him to help her with Titan experiments? Why hadn't she been  smiling and laughing and showing up at dinner and breakfast every day? She hadn't even asked Eren to preform a quick test with her, she just locked herself up in her study and rarely came out of it. Moblit of course was trying to get her to unlock the door or find out what was wrong every chance he had. Unfortunately he had no luck, and on particularly bad days, it'd make Hanji's anger even worse, which once resulted in Jean Kierstein getting kneed in the abdomen.

One particular day Levi was heading down the hall to Erwin's office for a private meeting. He, Erwin, and Hanji would have one every so often. Usually, it was
About serious things. The room would sometimes be sullen and dark and tense. But today, he felt a bit of panic. When Levi entered, Hanji, who was usually there before him, was not in the room. Levi sat down at the big, circle shaped wooden table, and looked at Erwin, who had his arms folded.

"It's not like Hanji to be late."
He pointed out.
"Is not like Hanji to skip out on meals and stay almost as stoic as you every day."
Erwin added.
"I'm genuinely worried about her."
Levi said, almost surprised with himself that he said it out loud instead of just in his head.
"As am I. But whatever Hanji's going through I don't doubt it's personal. We shouldn't be trying to barge into her private life."
"But what if she needs us?"
Erwin didn't answer. The door very slowly opened, and there was Hanji. Levi and Erwin gasped as pulled up her chair, sat down, and sighed.
"Morning Erwin. Morning Levi."
She greeted quietly.
"Let's start the meeting."
"Hanji what the hell is that?"
Levi asked harshly. Hanji flinched, and straightened herself out, giving Erwin and Levi a better look at what made the two so shocked.

Hanji had a black eye.

"It's... It's nothing. Y-you see, I was reading in the Library. And one of the shelves fell, and I-"
"That's bullshit four-eyes. You can't get a black eye from a bookshelf falling on you."
There was silence.
Erwin's voice said firmly.
"What happened? I want the truth."
"... There was a male cadet harassing a female cadet. It was obvious she was uncomfortable so I budded in. The girl is fine but the boy punched me hard."
She explained.
"See? Not important. The boy is taken care of and dealt with. Now let's continue the meeting please."
As Hanji had ordered, the meeting went on. It was normal, and Hanji had smiled for a counted total of six times, laughing two times. Based on the state she had been in, it was a good thing for her. It was great for Levi and Erwin seeing her smile again. But at the end of the meeting Levi and Erwin exchanged looks as Hanji got up to leave.
"Hanji... Could you sit back down for a minute?"
She nodded and did as Erwin asked.
"We're worried about you. You haven't been eating or coming out of your office, you haven't asked to conduct a single Titan experiment. Sawney and Bean haven't interacted with a single person in a long time-"
"They'll live."
Hanji said firmly.
"But will you? Titans don't need food or interaction but you do."
"No, I don't. I'll see you both tomorrow."
As Hanji got up to leave, Levi immediately got up and grabbed her arm. The moment he did so, Hanji let out an almost inhuman cry, and snatched her arm away, stumbling back. She had pressed her back against the wall, panting heavily. She had regret in her eyes as if she had just made a mistake. She looked like she was going to burst into tears as she shakily straightened herself out.

Levi and Erwin stared, their eyes wide. Levi knew that certain people had boundaries. Boundaries he would always respect, and was good at doing so. But Hanji never showed any signs of ever being uncomfortable or scared when people touched her. So why was she now?
"Hanji, I'm sorry if I-"
"Y-you're fine Levi. I'm sorry."
"Hanji, whatever's going on we can help."
"No you can't!"
"Shitty glasses, this isn't up for debate."
"You're not helping! You can't help! For once in your god damn life mind your own business you midget!"
Hanji screamed at him, storming out the door and slamming it behind her.
In that moment Erwin and Levi knew. Something was terribly terribly wrong with Hanji.

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