Chapter 8|

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Three days later

It had been three days since the incident with Jensen. Nobody had managed to learn the full story so far, but everyone was now well aware it had happened, and rumors about how it all went down were spreading like wild fires. It was very stressful for Hanji, and definitely not okay. It wasn't helping her focus on the paperwork she needed to get done, and she couldn't do it while Levi was around, or he would offer to do it himself, take it away from her, or both. She still had bandages wrapped around her head, but she was able to focus better, and the nurses said that she didn't have any major, life changing head injuries. That day, Hanji sat in her bed, (which highly resembled one that would belong in a hospital,) when in through the door came the 104 cadets.

"Oh, morning kids!"
She greeted a bit warily.
"Hi Hanji."
They all greeted solemnly, smiling politely and nodding at her. Sasha was the first to walk over to the bed and hand Hanji the bouquet of flowers she had.
"I hope you get better soon."
She told her as Hanji took them from her gently.
"Yeah. We were all really worried."
"Jean's right. We were like, 'Wait, Squad Leader Hanji's hurt? What happened?' And Mikasa is keeping her lips shut annoyingly good."
Mikasa shrugged, and walked over as well.

"Thanks for helping save my ass back there, kiddo."
Hanji told her, reaching up to ruffle her hair. Mikasa looked slightly uncomfortable at being called "Kiddo," but she nodded in appreciation for the thanks.
"So... Can we know what happened?"
Eren asked shyly.
"Yeah! And how Mikasa saved you!"
Jean added.
Hanji sighed.
"Alright, fine."
The kids immediately smiled brightly, and sat at the foot of Hanji's bed, like children waiting for a bedtime story to be told to them. It was quite amusing to Hanji.

"You guys became aquatinted with my boyfriend, Jensen, correct?"
The kids nodded.
"Mikasa said there was somethin' sketchy about him."
Eren explained.
"And unfortunately, she was correct. He wasn't the nicest guy in the world. He had a bad temper, and simply wasn't good towards me. He just... Needed some help. Levi and Erwin found out at one point, and tried to help me, but there wasn't a lot they could do. Levi did his best to help me out, since he obviously has a huge soft spot for me,"
Hanji got a few gentle laughs out of the comment, and she continued.
"And a little while later, Jensen snapped pretty badly. He beat me up. And then, like lightening, just as I had been helplessly knocked out, Levi and Mikasa charged in, like shadow warriors or something."
Hanji explained, almost waving her hands in the air dramatically.
"Levi and Mikasa started ruthlessly destroying this guy. Mikasa like, punched his nose and I swear she broke-"
"That's not what happened."
Mikasa blandly interrupted, causing the awe induced teenagers to snap out of their haze.

"Levi beat Jensen up, and I took Hanji to the infirmary."
Mikasa reminded, sighing lightly. But she did give Hanji a humorous eye roll at the exaggeration of the role that she played.
"Yeah, but my version sounds so much better."
Hanji countered. Mikasa and the others laughed lightly at her excuse.
"Well, we're glad you're okay, Hanji. We had no idea what had happened. I promise, that jerk will be too scared to even come back to the Survey Corps."
Eren growled.
"Yeah! We'll hardcore glare at him whenever we get the chance!"
Connie added with a grin.
"We'll help beat him up!"
Sasha agreed.
"No, you will not."
A voice coldly interrupted.

The cadets froze, and all quickly stood up from sitting cross legged at the foot of Hanji's bed. They kept the flowers and other presents they had brought in their left hand while their right was in a fist, and pressed against their chests.
"C-Captain Levi-"
"You brats shouldn't have even heard about what happened. Go on, get out. Hanji needs rest."
"Levi! You're being ridiculous. They're our 104 cadets. If we can trust them on the field of battle, we can trust them with a situation as silly as this."
"Silly? This situation is anything but a joke, Hanji! The injuries, the therapy, all of that would be signs that this is serious."
Levi explained to her firmly.

Hanji groaned in exasperation. She didn't have much of an argument against that. "They brought me flowers."
She mumbled quietly. Levi stared at her for a long time. Hanji was flat out guilt tripping him, and it was working very well. Levi hated that. But, she did seem genuinely upset, mostly because she trusted the 104 kids. Hell, they may be a pain in the ass, but they were like her kids to her. Hanji knew that they may be too young to fully understand the full dangers of the situation she had been in, but they were all too sweet to let her handle it on her own. Too caring to assume it was her fault she was in the situation. It was one of the many things Hanji loved so much about her 104 teenagers. Despite everything and everyone they had lost, they still were able to trust one another and stay the people that they were.
"Fine. I give in to your shitty reasoning."
Levi finally muttered, breaking the silence in the room.

"And the 104 kids can visit and not get in trouble, right?"
Hanji asked, giving him a pleading, innocent smile.
"Fine. I don't know why you're so insistent on the brats' justice all of the time."
"It's because we're just too cute."
Sasha answered with an innocent shrug. Mikasa smiled as the others nodded in agreement. Levi only scoffed at the ridiculous assumption.
"Please. You eat like an animal on drugs. That's not exactly the cutest thing in the world, Braus."
He shot back. Sasha pouted and opened her mouth to argue, but the others laughter kept her quiet. Hanji liked this. It was happy, and cheerful, an quite peaceful. Suddenly, the door opened, and standing there was Erwin with a slightly grim look on his face. He nodded at Levi, who understood it was time to leave.
"Alright, c'mon. You guys need lunch anyways."
He told the teenage soldiers, who all followed him out the door, like ducks in a row.

When they left, Erwin sat on the bed next to Hanji's. He had a thin piece of paper in his hands.
"Am I in trouble?"
Hanji asked him bluntly.
"No, not exactly. I... I think you should take therapy."
"Therapy? Erwin, I don't need therapy. I'm fine! Really!"
"Hanji, no ones 'fine' after these kinds of events happen. I worry about you, and I know for a fact Levi has been running around here, trying to make sure everything involving your recovery is going not a hair beneath perfect."
"Really? Levi?"
"Yes. He's definitely worried to say the least. But besides the point, I want to make sure you're in top psychological condition all of the time. You're our smarts, after all."
"But Erwin!"
"No 'buts' about it. I'm not backing down on this, Hanji. Levi's going to be attending the sessions with you."
"What? Are you serious? This isn't necessary!"
"It completely is and I'm not arguing about it."
Hanji sighed. Erwin's word was final, and she knew that. But she also knew that he was also a friend just trying to help. However... Something did strike Hanji as off about the whole thing. Something that stuck out like a sore thumb.
Why was Levi so concerned?

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