Chapter 3|

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  Mikasa entered, relieved to find Levi was in the room. She sat down after saluting, and Levi looked up.
"Levi, there is something very very strange going on with Squad Leader Hanji."
"Mikasa, whatever it is it isn't neither yours nor my business-"
"Ask Eren and Armin! We were at Hanji's door and Eren wanted to see if he could convince Hanji to come out of her room. We were interrupted by a man named Jensen. It took only a minute for him to get her to open the door. But I know there's something off about him."
Mikasa explained.
"Ackerman... What're you suggesting?"
"Hanji was uncomfortable with Jensen. She didn't look happy to see him and she wasn't responding to him at all. Levi I know somethings going on."
Levi and Mikasa stared each other down for a long time.
"Fine. I'll look into Hanji's 'boyfriend.' Thank you for informing me, but between you and me... Snoop as much as you can."
Mikasa smiled and nodded, making her way out of the room. It had been obvious for a long time Levi had feelings for the squad leader. It had also been obvious she felt the same way, so why would she be dating someone if she had a crush on Levi? Now, pointing that question out in front of the captain could've made things go down hill. But Levi knew and Mikasa knew it was a valid question. 
At dinner, Moblit had nearly tackled Hanji with a hug when she showed up.
"Squad leader!"
"M-Moblit, it's okay. I'm here and I'm okay- aw, Moblit, don't cry!"
It was a very sweet sight, but Mikasa took careful notice at Jensen, who was standing by the door with his arms folded, glaring harshly. When Levi came around, he and Hanji made eye contact from across the room. Mikasa could feel the tension between them ad apparently... Jensen could too. Levi immediately started towards Hanji, and before Hanji could open her mouth to apologize, he hugged her. It took Hanji a moment but she hugged him back too.
"Listen, shitty glasses... Eat more often. I want to see you eat, okay?"
Hanji managed a teary-eyed smile.
"Aw, are you concerned?"
"Yeah. Yeah I am."
Levi was practically torn from Hanji by Jensen appearing behind her like a shadow. Hanji's smile disappeared and turned a little bit more panicked. But she forced a smile.
"L-Levi... This is Jensen-"
"Her boyfriend. Nice to meet you..."
"I'm Levi. Hanji's best friend. Nice to meet you too."
He growled. The two men stared each other down, Jensen smiling a bit aggressively, and Levi keeping his stoic expression, but you could tell he had the intention of beating a certain someone's ass. He grabbed Hanji's arm and led her to the nearest table, Jensen following behind. Once they sat down, there was a silence for a little while.
"I didn't know you had a boyfriend Hanji."
"Five months."
Jensen mumbled, Hanji staying silent. They ate, again in silent. Once Levi was done he stood up.
"Hanji, I want you to come to my office first thing in the morning. Please."
"Sure Levi. I'll see you in the morning. Night."
As Jensen led Hanji out the door, Levi noticed something. He had grabbed her wrist. The action set a million red alarms through his mind. He gave Moblit and Mikasa a look from across the room. The two nodded and rushed over to him.
"No time to explain. C'mon."
They instinctually knew it was about Hanji and Jensen, so they followed the two down the hallway. Suddenly, Jensen slammed Hanji against the wall, putting his hands on her shoulders and pinning her there.
"Who the hell was that?"
He demanded loudly, shouting in her face.
"L-Levi, he's just a friend-"
"Like hell he is! I saw the way you two were looking at each other! You slut!"
"He's just a friend, Jensen please listen to me!"
Then Jensen did it. He slapped Hanji across the face.
"Do you want me to give you another black eye?"
He demanded. Tears were welling up in her eyes and she shook her head.
"Don't you dare cry! I swear to god Hanji if you start crying..."
He trailed off to let his threat to her imagination.
"Now come on."
He hissed, snatching her wrist again and leading her off. Levi, Moblit, and Mikasa stood there in shock.
"He... He hit squad leader..."
"Levi, that must be where the black eye came from."
Levi couldn't even speak.
Jensen, Hanji's seemingly perfect boyfriend, had been abusing her-hitting her- all this time.

There's something wrongOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora