Chapter 7|

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Three days later,

Eren shouted. Sasha spit her drink out, and the others stared at her with shock.
"You should be kicked out of the Corps for what you've done!"
Mikasa snapped from the other side of the room, holding onto Jensen's shirt collar. She had completely lost her cool, which was quite a rare thing. Eren, Jean, Armin, and the others quickly rushed over to Mikasa, grabbing her by her arms in an attempt to hold her back.

Jensen touched his nose, which was bleeding horribly from the punch Mikasa had thrown at him.
"D-Damnit... You dumb bitch!"
He shouted, standing up.
"Come at me, Jensen! Try doing to me what you did to Hanji!"
Mikasa dared. The whole room was staring, and just like that, as Jensen charged Mikasa, a hand stopped him. Jensen let out an inhuman shriek when he saw that the hand belonged to Levi.
"S-Sir, I was just-"
"I don't want to hear another peep out of you. I want you to quietly head to Erwin's office. Don't say a word. Don't make a sound. Don't even look at me or my squad on your way out. Erwin's going to be talking to you about exactly what happened, and your position and place in the survey corps will be discussed as well."
Levi explained to him.

His voice was as thin as ice, and it seemed forcibly calm. His tone made it clear that his order wasn't to be questioned, or else someone's lights would be knocked out. Jensen shakily nodded, and gave Mikasa a sideways glance before storming out the room, everyone watching him leave. The room stayed quiet, his footsteps echoing uncomfortably as he walked, and the doors shut quite loudly as he exited. Everyone's heads turned towards the Captain and Mikasa, who was looking at her shoes. The other cadets had quickly let her arms go, but they hadn't left. They wanted to question her before anything else happened. What had happened with Hanji Zoë had been a mystery to everyone in the Survey Corps. This was the first time anyone has openly spoken up about it, and the first time any sort of hint was given off about the people that were involved.

Levi eyed Mikasa down, and it was clear she was somewhat ashamed of her actions, for she couldn't look Levi, or anyone else in the eye.
"Ackerman. I know for a fact I don't have to send you to Erwin's office as well, right?"
"Right, Captain."
"Do you know exactly why?"
Levi asked carefully.
"Because you know very well that your actions were irrational and wrong. I don't blame you for being upset about the latest events. But this is not something we're talking about in public. If you want to take your anger out do it in private. But you are not going to humiliate Hanji, or Jensen. Even if he deserves it. Am I clear?"
"You're clear."
Mikasa murmured. Everyone stared as Levi nodded, and he too made his way out of the room. The mess hall, which had been terrifyingly quiet, quickly and nervously started talking up again.

"Mikasa... What the hell just happened?"
"Do you know what happened to Hanji?"
"Oh she knows. The real question is, were you involved in it?"
"I guess we can say that your instincts were right after all!"
"Can you give us an inside scoop?"
"Or a clue or something? Maybe check on Hanji for us?"
The 104 cadets began to ask, throwing the questions at Mikasa one after another. Finally she shook her head and said in her most quiet and calm tone of voice,
"Enough. Levi was right. I don't have the authority to be publicly talking about what happened. I may have witnessed it but that doesn't make it any of my business. No, you don't get answers from me. No, you don't get some dumb "Inside scoop." No, you don't get any clues. And that's final."
Mikasa stated harshly, making sure her words were clear to her friends.

"We... We understand, Mikasa."
The others echoed back in shame. Mikasa only nodded in reply, and the six cadets returned to their table to try and go on with their past conversation. But although she was in fact ashamed of herself, and Levi's words and her own guilt were practically taking over her mind, Mikasa wondered... How was Hanji doing?
That same day,

Levi entered the medic, fresh flowers in his hand. He hesitantly walked over to Hanji's bed, and put the fresh, beautiful roses in the case to replace the old, wilted ones. Hanji hadn't woken up yet, which, according to the doctors, wasn't unlikely. Her head had been thrown harshly against the walls three times. Levi stood up, looming over Hanji's seemingly lifeless figure. She looked pale, and white bandages were wrapped around her head. They were slightly blood stained, but not nearly as much as they had been three days ago.

Levi had been unable to rest that night. He thought... He thought Hanji would die. If she had, Levi didn't know what he'd do. Hanji was his best friend of four years, whom he may or may not have feelings for. Feelings he had yet to come to terms with.
"Damn four-eyes... Aren't you always so healthy and bubbly? Just... Wake up for me, you idiot. Erwin's worried and shit, and it won't take long for the 104 kids to stick their nosy ass faces in places where it doesn't belong."
Levi told her as he sat down on the edge of the bed. No reply came from the sleeping woman.

"I'm... I'm sorry. I should've done something sooner. I should've taken the guy out the moment I recognized the marks on your body. I just... I didn't think too much of them. But... C'mon, dammit! Here I am, stuttering like an idiot thinking you care to even hear my apology and listen to me stutter and drown in my own self pity and I'm just so sorry Hanji!"
Levi shouted, almost reaching his breaking point.

He swallowed harshly, and put his face in his hands. His voice felt strained, and he looked tired.
"That's sweet."
A raspy voice told him. Levi looked down to see Hanji's eyes opened. Levi for a moment smiled with relief. It was a half smile, but it was still a smile. He was beyond happy to see those beautiful Hazel brown eyes again.

"It took you long enough to wake up."
He murmured.
"Aww, someone cares about me."
Hanji pointed out in a teasing tone. Levi rolled his eyes.

"Yeah. Yeah I do."
He admitted.

{ Hey guys! I just wanted to say thank you all so much for reading this story so far. Thank you for commenting and everything, because every time you do it encourages me to continue the next chapter. I'm thirsty for comments tbh. Love you guys and again, Thank you!}

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