Chapter 6|

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Later that day,

"What's wrong Mikasa?"
Sasha asked, poking her friend in the shoulder gently. Mikasa flinched, and sighed, pulling her red scarf a little bit above her mouth, covering her lips and sinking into the cloth. As if she could just disappear from the world that way.
She replied, doing her best to keep from mumbling since she knew Sasha was genuinely trying to help.
"Mikasa's obsessed with Squad Leader Hanji's new boyfriend."
Eren clarified. Mikasa scoffed.
"Does Mikasa have a crush on him or somethin'?"
Connie asked, his head in his hands.
"No. That would be ridiculous. He's way older than me. But that's not why I'm looking after him. It's just.... He's weird. There's something off about him. I know that there is. Whatever's off about him... I'm going to find out what it is."

"Mikasa, I think you're overreacting. Hanji has a good sense of character. If he was some evil maniac, we would know. She would know."
Eren reminded her.
"I don't know, you guys. He looks kinda off to me too. I'm siding with Mikasa on this."
Jean stated firmly as he shrugged.
"Jean's right. Mikasa, if you think somethings off but you don't know what, don't push that away. It's your instinct. Rely on it."
Armin added.
Eren sighed.
"Don't encourage her too much."
He muttered. Mikasa nodded at Jean and Armin appreciatively, and went back to eyeing down the tall man that was sitting from across the room. She was surprised that Hanji wasn't with him that particular morning. Usually he forced her to tag along.
"I'll.... Be right back."
She murmured, standing up. The other teens watched her as she walked away, exhaling in relief when they saw that her direction wasn't steered towards Jensen.

Mikasa walked through the halls quickly, and when she arrived at Hanji's door, she knocked.
"Hanji. It's Mikasa Ackerman."
For a moment, no sound came from the room. Not even a shifting noise from Hanji's creaking bed.
"I'm sorry, Mikasa. I'm... I'm just not feeling well today."
She called out.
"Whatever you need, I promise I'll talk with you tomorrow on it."
"Oh, no. It's alright. You... Just weren't at breakfast today so I thought... Never mind. Thank you."
With that, she quickly backed off. Hanji didn't sound sick. She knew Hanji wasn't sick. There wasn't enough to go on that this was caused by Jensen, but her internal radar was going off like crazy. Mikasa didn't go far. She heard footsteps coming close, so she dashed into the next corridor and hid behind the wall.
"Hanji. It's Levi."
The captain's familiar voice called out. Mikasa peered out from behind her hiding place for a look, and saw Levi carrying a first aid kit. Hanji opened the door, and pointed at the kit.
"It's for your bruises and shit, Sherlock."
Levi answered before she could even ask.
"L-Levi, it's fine-"
"That bastard beat you up. If I can't confront him about it, the least I can do is bandage your cuts and put ice on your bruises. It'll ease the pain."
"Thank you."
Hanji whispered.
"Hey, it's no problem."
Levi replied, patting the taller woman on the shoulder, then going inside.

Mikasa bit her lip. When she had seen Jensen pinning Hanji against the wall and yelled at her, it had terrified her enough. But now she could confirm Hanji was in deep trouble. Her black eye hadn't been a one time thing. He was repeatedly hitting her and hurting her. Levi was supposed to be the Captain! Why wasn't he threatening Jensen or something? Mikasa sighed and put her head in her hands. She knew Levi probably had his reasons. Maybe he was convinced this was a battle Hanji had to fight on her own. She stood up, and saw Jensen coming down the hallway.

'Shit. If Jensen sees Levi in Hanji's room...'
She thought, slightly panicked.

"Morning, Mikasa."
Jensen greeted.
"Morning, Jensen. I have a question to ask you."
"Ah, I would love to answer it but I have to check on Hanji-"
"Trust me! This is worth it!"
She said, inching slightly towards the door as she raised her voice.
"Jensen, you can't go into Hanji's room at the moment. She's.... Sick."
Mikasa explained, again raising her voice. Inside the room, Levi cursed.
"Damnit. Does that asshole have to be everywhere?"
"Mikasa's trying to warn us. Levi, I need you to do me a favor and hide. Wherever you can. Please."
Levi nodded, he grabbed the first aid kit, packed it up, and hid underneath the bed. Unfortunately, the very uncomfortable, cramped space was the place where he was most likely to be kept from behind found. So he would have to deal with it.
Jensen looked incredibly irritated with Mikasa. To Mikasa's surprise, he grabbed her shoulder and threw her to the side.
But it was too late. Jensen opened the door, and found Hanji, lying on her bed, clearly asleep.

Her chest rose up and down as she breathed, her mouth slightly open as she exhaled and inhaled. There was a box of tissues next to her. Jensen looked at Mikasa and scoffed.
"Kids. Always wasting my damn time."
He snarled. Mikasa was relieved Jensen hadn't noticed Levi. He must've hidden. His short, small stature was finally good for something. Jensen closed the door behind him, and Mikasa could hear him set the plate he had brought with him down on the table. She scrambled to get closer, listening intently.
"Aw... Han... You're so cute when you're knocked out like that."
She hears the bed shift, signifying Jensen had crawled on top of the bed.
Hanji greeted drowsily, feigning a yawn.
"Morning sweetheart. Heard you weren't feeling well. Now what is Captain Levi doing in your room early in the morning?"

"H-He was just checking in on me-"
"Now, is that the truth? Is he really just checking in on you, or are you fucking someone else?"
He asked, his voice turning into a low growl. He grabbed her wrists, pinning her to the bed before she could act. Hanji's voice was stuck in her throat. She couldn't speak.
"Well? Are you going to tell me the truth?"
He whispered. Hanji swallowed her fear, and shoved Jensen off of her with as much force as she could muster.
"No. I'm not having sex with Levi, and that's the truth. If you think that I'm cheating on you then get out."
She ordered firmly. For a moment, Jensen stared. She had never stood up to him like this before. Hanji couldn't help but grin. She was proud of herself. Maybe Levi being there had given her some confidence.
'Go Hanji.'
Mikasa thought to herself encouragingly.
Jensen then snatched Hanji's arm, kept a firm hold on her, and threw her across the room.

"Damnit Hanji! You think you can fucking boss me around you piece of shit? You are nothing! Do you hear me?"
He shouted at her, storming towards her. She shakily stood up and raised a hand to defend herself, but Jensen pinned her against the wall.
"Wanna try that again, Han?"
Then, he punched her. Right in the stomach. Hanji stumbled, the wind knocked out of her. Then he punched her again. Over and over and over. Levi flinched every time she crashed, and Mikasa shut her eyes tightly every time Jensen raised his voice to insult her.

"Get up!"
"Leave me alone!"
"You're weak!"
"N-No I'm not!"
"Then get the fuck up!"

Then, a blow right to the head. Jensen just kept pummeling her to the ground.
"I own you, Hanji!"
But this time, there was no response, and Levi felt his blood turn cold.
"Wake up Hanji! You bitch, are you finally done?"
But Jensen was becoming panicked too. He had never beaten Hanji up this much. Never to the point of knocking her out. But he threw her seemingly lifeless body at the wall again, her head coming into contact with it once again. Blood was rushing down the side of her face.
"D-Dammit Hanji... Open your eyes!"
No reply. Levi finally couldn't take it. His rage had boiled over and he was ashamed of himself for staying silent this long. He crawled out from underneath the bed as quickly as he could and tackled Jensen. When she heard Levi calmly beating the shit out of the man, Mikasa opened the door, and ran to Hanji's aid.
"Hanji. Wake up."
She pleaded. There was a lot of blood.
"You. Stay where you fucking are. I'm going to come back and when I do your ass is mine."
Levi hissed, letting go of Jensen's collar. He picked Hanji up.
"Ackerman. Go alert Erwin of the situation that has just happened. Don't let what really happened go public. If anyone stops to ask, then ignore them. Only Erwin is going to be informed of this. Do you understand?"

Mikasa nodded solemnly, and ran off quickly. Levi dashed towards the medic, clutching Hanji in his arms.
"Please wake up... Please wake up.."
He whispered to her frantically.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please wake up. I'm sorry."
He continued murmuring. When he got to the medic, no one hesitated to rush Hanji to the nearest bed.
"What happened?"
One of the nurses asked.
"She got beat up. The man who did it... I'll settle with him later."
Levi growled. He was horrified. Not with Jensen, or the situation, but with himself. As he stepped back to let the nurses work on Hanji, he sat down, watching her closely. If Levi had stood up to Jensen from the very beginning, this wouldn't have happened. He sighed, and put his head in his hands.

Hanji was hurt, and Levi thought it was all his fault.

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