Eridan x Reader

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(F/C) - Favorite Candy

It was a normal day for you. Chilling in your house, or hive, as the trolls called it, in your favorite pair of underwear. To be honest, you were okay with fish dick barging into your room, but it's a different story when you're half naked.

"Wwhat the fuck, (Y/N)?!" The violet-blooded troll screamed, using his cape to cover his now tinted face.

"Your fault, shit face! Haven't I told you to knock and not break the damn door down?!" You screamed. Pulling on a pair of pajama bottoms.

"Wwell, I guess its MY fault for bringing you (F/C)!" Eridan barked, shoving an entire pack of the delicious sweet towards you. You blushed, but leaned forward to kiss the sea-dweller's cheek. Eridan smiled a bit as he placed a chaste kiss on your plump lips.

"Matesprites?" You questioned, eating a (F/C).

"Hell yeah! Beat that, Captor!" He yelled. Sollux peeked in.

"Beat what, Ampora? Your horriible gamiing 2kiil2? II thought II already diid that..."

With that sentence, Eridan immediately screamed.

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