One: To Start A War...

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Shifting myself so that my head faced away from the camera I spotted in the top left corner of the room, I tucked my hands in my pockets of my jacket, using my hoodie to shy away from peering eyes. The front part of my newly dyed blonde hair swept into my eyes as I quickly bypassed the crowd at the bus station, handing the man behind the glass my papers.

I nervously glanced around, trying to get a good scope of the area from what I could under my hoodie. The man with the greasy beard handed my papers back with the ticket on top, and I swiped it off the counter with such force it made the people next to me startle. I pushed past them all, swerving through them like they weren't even there.

Two guys opened the door to the room, their arms laced with the familiar tattoo. I sped up my walking and rushed to the doors on the opposite side of the building.

I kept glancing back inconspicuously, needing to get a good view of them. One of them caught me sneaking a peek and immediately followed after. I began walking faster, pushing through the lines of people. My long hair coming from under my hood went flying sideways at the speed of which I was going at. My eyes got wide and scared.

"Hey stop that girl! She stole my wallet!" One of the guys yelled out a fib so people would rush to the rescue to stop me. Some of them stared for a second before reaching out to grab me, in which I shoved away and turned to a full on sprint, flinging the doors wide open and eyeing the buses for the one I had the ticket for.

I had a good head start from the looks of it because I was quicker than they were, but that didn't help my case in going on the bus before they follow me and kill me. I went and ran behind the nearest bus, trying to get them to lose their line of sight of me. When I heard them shouting on the other side, I picked up the pace.

6610. 6610. Where the hell is it?

I searched along every single bus, but for some reason I couldn't find mine. I began to panic, my heart racing a million miles an hour. I couldn't breathe.

"There! Get her!" One of the bigger ones shouted, pointing a finger at me as he blocked my path at the end of the bus. I halted, backing up to start running the other way, until the other guy stood there as well. He yanked a gun out from his pants and aimed it right for me. The black eye of the weapon stared at me, telling me exactly where I was and how I was going to die. By sending its bullet straight through my chest.

My heaving became louder, and I kept going back and forth, up and down, searching, hoping for a way out of his aim. But there wasn't, and I didn't know what to think on my last moments alive. My family didn't even come up, just blank space, stretching out into nothingness as I realized I had come all this way for nothing.

The first man came up behind me and pinned my arms to my back, forcing a panicked scream to erupt from my throat. I knew he was going to shoot, but I wasn't going down a coward, that's for damn sure.

In an instant, an idea came to mind. As I saw the guy closed one eye, ready to shoot, I spread my legs apart in a perfect stance, thinking that this last trick may work. In which every part of my body was yelling at how stupid this was and that he may just end up shooting me anyways. But I had to focus on surviving, and I can't care as of who I take down with me. I need to live, I have to live, and I will live.

In the second in which I saw his arm twitch I twisted my body into the air, so that I soared backwards over the man holding me, ending up behind him just in time as the bullet flew right into his chest. The man dropped to his knees, then on the ground, a blood pool spilling out from where he lay.

The first guy looked at me with wide eyes, which I'm pretty sure I had the same expression because I have no idea how the hell I did that and why it worked.

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