Four: Ready to Defend...

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I sit on the floor, my back pressed against the wall, my arms laying on my knees. My eyes were blankly staring at nothing in front of me, my face pale like I was going sick. I don't know how long I have been sitting here, but my butt is numb, so probably a while. It's been three days since they've fed me, I have had water brought in by them a few times in order to keep me somewhat alive, which was their plan. To keep me alive, but just barely. I still wasn't saying a word ever since that outburst I gave, which they don't appreciate. Damien hasn't come in to see me, but Mace surely has. He comes in at least once a day, trying to get me to talk, to agree to doing the job for them. Which was steal the heist plans of their closest enemy gang. The HearthFires.

I try to speak to them through my silence, that I wasn't doing jack for their bidding, but they clearly haven't got the message. They continue to come in here and harass me verbally, to try and get me mad like they did before, but I wouldn't budge. I need to find the right moment to get out of here, but the opening hasn't exactly presented itself yet. I ponder over ways to get the door clear, because so far, that's the only place I could go. They barred the windows pretty hard, and the room didn't have any wide vents of any sort. So door it was.

My hair was beyond dirty, its straggly pieces falling onto my cheeks as I breathed in and out slowly. A plan was beginning to devise in my head once I heard loud thumping coming up the stairs. Trent. He walks like a Hippo is strapped to his back. I keep my eyes to the wall as I also hear him talk to the two guards standing outside my room before the door opens. He was a shorter guy, with big brown army size boots on his feet. His buzzcut brown hair laid on top of his skull while his dark brown eyes stared down at me. I didn't look at him until he lowered himself to my level.

"Still not talking huh? I swear you are a waste of time to keep up here, most of us are beginning to wonder if you really are as good as they say. You don't talk, you don't eat, how are you supposed to be useful to us in this state?" He complained, eyeing me for any sort of response. But I just stayed right where I was, looking at the wall. He rolled his eyes and stood straight, "Whatever. Stay up here and starve for all I care, even though we had the decency to bring up food this time." He gestured to the plate that was sitting on the bed. I drove a glance in that direction but didn't get up to eat. The way they kept me up here just so I could do something they want doesn't exactly give me an appetite. Even though the banana bread and mashed potatoes covered in gravy looked absolutely drool worthy. Shut up Alex, quit looking at it.

"Compliments of Mace by the way. So you could at least thank him." Trent exited through the door, but before he went through I made a loud noise with my shoe, banging it against the floor. He turned around to look at me weird as I kept doing it. He slowly walked towards me, "What the hell are you doing? You're going to annoy the people downstairs."

I kept doing it, giving him a coy look. He was starting to get mad, "Knock it off! Or I'll tie you down!" I now added my arms in too, acting like I was throwing a tantrum. This seemed really stupid and childish but I know Mace or Damien told the members that they weren't allowed to come near me, due to my ability to be physically aggressive. But making tons of noise so that he would have to restrain me was the best thing I could come up with at the moment. 

Sure enough Trent dived for me, but I rolled out of the way. causing his head to smash right into the dry wall. I held my hand to my mouth and tried not to actually laugh at where he was lying passed out. 

See stupid, but effective.

My humor was short lived as one of the guards entered the room, his spiked hair was nothing compared to his twisted angry face directed right at me. I got to my feet and did my battle stance, knowing I could do these guys one at a time, but together would've been near impossible. Of course though, he pulled the first move, aiming a punch right for my face. I blocked it, then ducked on the next swing, then redirected the next four arm swings outward with skilled hands and speed. When he swung again I grabbed his fist mid-air and pulled him forward, kicking him in the stomach and forcing him on his knees. 

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