Six: And Never Trust a Soul...

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It was around 6 a.m when I forced myself to wake up, grumbling as I sat up way too fast and put pressure on my forehead where everything went dizzy. I opened one eye to get a quick peek at what time it was on the clock straight in front of me, and in big bold numbers it said 5:23am.

I realized now would probably be the best time to leave, because I didn't want them to try and stop me later when they were up and making breakfast. I needed to get a head start, I could never stay in a place too long, or else it would be easier for them to find me. I seriously needed to get out of this damn country, pronto.

I swung my legs over the bed and grabbed my boots sitting next to it, sliding them on and zipping up the sides. I grabbed my jacket that was hanging over the post and put it on, pulling my hair out from under it. Then I put my bag over my torso and headed for the door, twisting the knob on it carefully and peeking out. There was no sound.

I crept out and took timid steps as I realized they weren't even up yet, which was a good thing, but with my abilities I could've snuck past them in broad daylight if I had to. The sun was just barely seeping through the windows as it rose from the horizon, shining its intrusive light onto my face as I opened the front door and shut it behind me carefully. There was a slight breeze outside but it wasn't enough to make me cold, so I walked off the porch and pulled the map from my bag at my side.

I flipped it open, then began to wonder where the heck I was at. For I didn't even see which direction we came from, nor where I even started.

This is going to be a hell of a lot harder than I originally thought.

I did eenie meenie minee mo, and took a right, hoping it might lead to somewhere that I could find on the map and start over. I stuffed the useless thing back into my bag and walked just inside the woods by the road, that way people driving by wouldn't see me and pull over. I don't want anyone in particular to offer me, a young woman, a ride.

I tucked a piece of blonde hair behind my ear that managed to blow loose and into my eyes, before stepping over a large dead tree, climbing over it easily and dropping to the other side. The second my feet hit the ground I heard a snap. But not the snap under my feet, it was a noise that came from a close distance. I froze, listening to every tiny sound that came to my eardrums, waiting for something to pop out or shoot at me. There wasn't any other noise for awhile so I decided to slowly keep moving my feet, but this time I was keeping a sharp eye out for anything in the damp woods around me.

A car raced by on the street to my left while I kept looking over my shoulder for anyone and anything following me. My mind had become completely filled with paranoid ideas and scary outcomes of how my life is going to end, and it can really drive a person off the edge if it gets to a certain point. I'm surprised I'm still partly sane. The things that happened to me two months ago forced me to see the world in a way nobody should have to see it, it opened my eyes until it hurt, and now they won't stop bleeding unless something takes them out completely.

I look up from under my hood and realize that I still have a fair amount of woods to walk through before I get to any sort of random civilization. Sighing, I began to lose myself in thought once more before another strange sound shocks me back into the present. This time I don't stop I just look around cautiously for anything moving in the wet foliage.

I suddenly see something shiny flash in the sunlight, just barely peeking through the treetops. I froze in absolute terror, knowing full well what was pointed right at me in the shadows of a bush. It was so deathly quiet, I could hear the click of the sniper as he prepared me for my demise.

Images flashed painfully through my head as he did so,

"Do you know what you want for your birthday?" She asked.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 11, 2016 ⏰

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