Three: Ready to Strike...

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The car pulled up to what looked like a giant ass mansion in the middle of nowhere, standing tall with pillars covered in vines and the walls made of brick. The moon shone behind its roof, giving an eerie shadow across the dirt road. There looked to be some sort of garden on the side of it, showing thick healthy flowers and bushes growing as tall as a person. Either nature grew that on her own or somebody in the gang cares about plants? I'm confused.

"Alright girlie, out of the car." The man driving said, opening up his door. Girlie? Oh no he freaking didn't. He's going to pay for that jibe. Little did they know that when I tightened my fists as they tied my wrists together I was able to slide free of the strain just by flattening my hands out again. I knew the moment we pulled up, that my chance to run free was now.

I held onto the ropes behind my back just to make it look like it was still tied around me as the girl opened the door and pulled me out. I shoved her hand away from my shoulder, shooting her a glare for touching me. She took a step back with frustrated eyes in return, but I ignored her. Instead I waited for the both of them to get near me before I made my move, and when the guy walked up to me, ready to shove me inside I stepped on his foot and banged my head against him knocking him clear off his feet. The girl reached out for me but I ducked her punch and twisted my leg in midair as I did so, landing the heel straight into her stomach. She bent over in pain, so I took the chance to free my hands and grab her head, slamming it down onto my knee and throwing her to the side.

The others didn't even get a chance to completely exit their cars when I took off sprinting, my bag safely attached to my side. I saw a forest up ahead, meaning I had to clear this long flat field before I even got to it. I took a glance behind me and saw more than I could count chasing after me, their arms swinging wildly and their faces twisted with anger. I pumped my legs faster, doing this for a lot longer than they have, I clearly had the advantage with speed. Stamina though, was my real problem. My breath was already becoming harder to grasp and I barely reached the forest. But sheer determination kept me going, because I had to get away from these maniacs who think it's okay to kidnap me and use me for themselves. Pfft, like I was going to start thieving again after what happened to me. Hell, nobody would.

My legs found the entrance to the forest and I was two seconds from jumping over the first bush and into my freedom until arms wrapped themselves around my waist roughly, yanking me back midair and down to the ground again. I grunted and pulled, clawing at their arms to get them to let me go, but they held me still like they were holding down a piece of bark. I had speed but no strength apparently.

Fucking genetics man. Is it too hard to ask for both?

"Seriously guys? You're lucky I was already out in the woods coming back from the store. Which sucks for you because I saw our only prisoner running away! Way to impress guys!" The man shouted as the rest of them slowed to a stop, panting hard, they all had guilty looks on their faces when they heard what he said. I on the other hand was still squirming in his arms, reaching out to the forest in desperality. So close, it's literally right there...

"She somehow got loose of her binds, she knocked out Cris and Jonah!" One of them defended, gesturing back at the mansion, still breathing hard might I mention. The guy that had me made a frustrated noise,

"Shouldn't that be your fault? Do any of you know who she is really?" He asked them, making me stop struggling and stare at them all, confused and worried. They all didn't say anything, just looked at me then back at the guy, pondering what he was asking them. I sort of blocked them out once they started guessing the stupidest things, because when I thought about who I was, it only brought pain and horrible, horrible memories.

"Damien didn't really tell us besides her being one of the greatest thief's ever. We all assumed that was enough information, Mace." The guy crossed his arms over his chest, looking a bit defiant and annoyed at how he was being treated like he was stupid.

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