Two: You Must be Silent...

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I jumped awake when the bus made a sudden stop, my hand flying out to the leg of the woman next to me, making her fly wide awake too. I sheepishly smiled at her, and she returned it with one too.

"Looks like this is my stop." She said, pushing some last things back into her bag. I watched her carefully, trying to find the words to say thank you, or maybe to ask what her name was. I couldn't do it though, it was like a mental wall blocked me from ever talking again.

She turned to look at me, her eyes filled with concern. She took my hand and held it with both of hers. "You take good care of yourself now okay? Don't forget where you came from."

I swallowed, expressing my gratitude through a smile and a hand squeeze back. She nodded then got up, scooting past me and heading down the aisle. Something inside me felt empty when she did. Like I was already missing the hole in my heart of having a mother around. When I thought of mine, I felt a sting in the back of my eyes. Blinking rapidly, I saw the lady give one last look over her shoulder at me, giving me a smile. I waved goodbye as she stepped off.

My stop was the next one, it's the farthest stop from the ticket central place as possible. Plus it gives me a head start on the new gang beginning to search for me. I adjusted my hood, waiting until the bus began moving again.


"Last stop. Everyone off!" The driver raised his voice up in the front, flinging the bus into parking gear. I got up from my seat and exited out the open doors of the bus, followed by only two other people. The sun was out and putting warmth to my skin, even through the jacket I was wearing. I adjusted my bag slung over my shoulder and held it with one hand on my hip, walking forward as the bus drove off. I took a deep breath as I contemplated my next move. Which was find a place to stay for tonight, I had the money, I just needed some sort of hotel that's not in seclusion. It has to be placed where a bunch of people are, that way it won't seem suspicious.

I looked up at the sign that read 'Carson City'. I slumped my shoulders, I thought I would've been out of Nevada at the last stop, but by the looks of it, I'm still here. Closing my eyes for a brief second of frustration, I figured I had to find some sort of map, that way I could see what bus I needed to take next to get out of here.

"Where are you going?" A man's voice jumped me so bad, I whipped around eyes wide and stared at him, backing away a foot or two. The man chuckled and put his hands up in surrender, "Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. You just look lost that's all." His nicely smoothed down hair and brown suit looked like he was probably here in business and probably knows his way around. I could ask him for help...

No. What if he travels so much he could possibly be in league with some gang that knows exactly who I am and he's going to trick me into telling me where to go which is right in the hands of the Southwaters Gang. I realize I must find my own way out of here, and shake my head at him, not wanting to have him ask me any more questions.

He smiled kindly, "It's okay, really. I've been here plenty of times, I'll tell you where you can go if you want?"

I shake my head again, this time turning around and speed walking across the street, making sure to look both ways before crossing. The man said a few more things as of how he can help but I ignored him, thinking that if he's this persistent, he must know the gang. A Jack in the Box was in front of me, but I felt too sick to my stomach to properly swallow something, let alone fast food. I switched my gaze over to what looked like a hotel sign. 'City Center Hotel' it read. I headed over there, hoping they had maps in the lobby of some sorts, I really needed to get out of Nevada, they can track me down well in this state. It's where their home base was at after all.

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