Chapter 5

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*Niall’s POV*

“Are you Niall Horan? From the band One Direction?” Martini asked looking surprised.

I covered my ears for a few seconds while laughing. She laughed to and then I said. “Yes. Why are you surprised? Is this not what you were expecting?”

She laughed and looked a little calmer. “Actually not at all. But I guess it’s a good surprise!”

“So I am guessing you are a fan, or?”

“Yes, but I am definitely not a crazy one. I won’t tweet your skype or number or anything you can trust me.” Martini said and smiled. Her smile made me melt.

“Well thanks! That’s good to know… So why don’t we tell each other about ourselves? Ladies first?” I said to her while I smiled. She is so beautiful. How did I get so lucky to have met her? Even though we haven’t officially met.

*martini’s POV*

“Ok well. I turn 18 July, 26th.(in the story they just get out of school the next day so it’s like let’s say around June 3-6) I graduate from school tomorrow. I have two brothers and one sister. I live with my family, we originally came from the US but moved her a few years back. My best friends are Maddie, Kelly, and Nicole. Maddie and I are moving into our own flat across town and are going to the same Uni. Uhm. Anything else?” I asked him.

“Ok, Um any hobbies? Favorite food, color, type of music? Are you single? Favorite sport? What kind of shows do you watch?” He asked seeming fully interested.

“Ok let’s see. I love to draw, sing, and dance. Even though I suck at all of them. I love all types of food! I love the color Purple! And it really depends on music, I mostly like pop. My favorite sport is football and basketball. And uhm, yes.” I answered blushing at the last part.

“You sound lovely. Would you like me to tell you a little about myself?”

“Yes kind sir!” I answered while laughing.

“While I am originally from Ireland. And I went on the X Factor and got put in One Direction as you know. I have an older brother named Greg, My birthday is September 13th. I Love singing, playing guitar and writing music. I also really like football and golf. And the boys and I share a flat here in London.” He said while smiling. He had a gorgeous smile. UGH why did he have to be so cute… and famous?

“Ok, one more question. Are you dating someone?” I asked slightly blushing.

“Nope,” he said popping the P, “not at the moment but I do know a girl I am starting to really like.”

“Cool.” I said really blushing.

“So about our date. Was it on Tuesday or Wednesday?” Niall asked. Oh myyy gosh did he just say date. Keep it together Martini.

“Wednesday. So where would you like to go? I really like the restaurant called Nando’s it is re--,” “Yes! I love that place! Meet you there at 7?” He said excitedly.

“Ok. Good Night Niall!” I said while waving.

“Goodnight Beautiful.” Niall said while I blushed and clicked end call.

I cannot believe this is happening. The Niall Horan called me beautiful and is taking me on a date! I( can barely even believe it!  I pulled out my phone to text Maddie.

To Maddie: OMG OMG So you know that secret boy from kik that wanted to meet up after we skyped? Niall?

From Maddie(: : Yes(; And?

To Maddie(: : You will never believe this but it was Niall Horan! I just can’t believe he picked me out of all the fans he messaged on kik to get to know.

From Maddie(: : NO WAY YOU ARE SO LUCKY lol but tell me everything after graduation! GOOD night love(:

To Maddie(: : Night(:

I plugged in my iPhone and went to sleep since we had to be up early for graduation.

*Niall’s POV*

I am so excited to meet Martini finally in person on Wednesday! She is so special. I don’t even know how yet, but I know she is. I am really tired but I really l wanna watch a movie this movie.

I get up and go make some popcorn. “Hey Niall! Make some extra, I am gonna watch the movie to before bed.” Liam said while getting two waters out for us. “Alright mate.” I said while grabbing some more.

I got the popcorn and sat down with Liam. The other boys were asleep. We decided to watch Forest Gump. It was such a good film.

I must have dozed off because I felt someone shaking me, “Niall get up, Get up and go to your room the movie is over.” Liam said tiredly.

“Ok thanks mate.” I said going upstairs. I changed into some sweats and took my shirt off. I climbed into bed and grabbed some head phones to listen to music.

I put on my favorite song and fell sleep.




Hi everyone! WOAH Thanks so much for all the reads! Don’t forget to vote and Comment! (:

I will try to update tomorrow night(: Please tell me whether it is good and I should keep going or not. ISN’T Niall just so cute?(: LOL Well ya(: LOVE YOU!

~Martini(: ( remember to follow me on her too )

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