Chapter 13

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*Martini’s POV*

I woke up next to a very sleepy Niall. It was 3 am in the morning. These time zones are really going to mess with me. We get today off and tomorrow is our first show! I am so excited! I love LA! And it is also Niall and I’s 4 month anniversary tomorrow!

I can’t believe I have only been with Niall for only three months. It seems like so much longer. Well I guess it is true that time flies when you are having fun. Right?

I Grab my phone and kiss Niall’s cheek before getting out of bed and going to the kitchen to get food.

“Morning Martini! Time zones messing with you too?” Zayn laughs.  “Yes! I am exhausted but starving!” I laugh back. “Any good food?” I ask opening the fridge.

“There is some waffles in the freezer.” Zayn says as he walks out to the living room. “Ok thanks.” I answering putting 1in the toaster.

About a minute later I hear it pop up and almost jump out of my socks, even though I am not wearing any. I quickly put it on a plate and put butter then syrup on top of the yummy looking waffle.

I quickly ate it then took out my phone. I was scrolling through my mentions. I followed and replied a few fans. Then tweeted,

@MartiniMichele: Jetlag is messing with me! 3 am and I ate a waffle. #backtobednow Lazy day today(:

I put my dirty plate in the sink and start to head to my room. I see Zayn also went back to bed.

I quietly crawled back into bed. Niall must have heard me because he whispered, “I love you Martini.” So I whispered back, “I love you to Niall.” He kissed my cheek, pulled me closer, and we both dozed off.


I was awoken by some very obnoxious screaming boys. I look at my phone and its half 1 in the afternoon. I get up and put some sweats on because it’s chilly, comb my hair and let it down, changed my shirt, and went downstairs. All the boys were playing FIFA.

It looked like it was getting pretty intense so I couldn’t help but laugh. That’s when Niall came over and pulled me in for a sweet hug and saying, “Good morning princess. You Hungry?”

“Yes. I could really go for some nachos and popcorn.” I say smirking.

“Movie day it is babe!” He says kissing my cheek and heading to the kitchen. “Good morning, well afternoon boys.” I say. “Dido martin!” Harry and Louis said. “That’s not My name for the 100th time!” I say laughing. 

Then they all start singing that song so I go upstairs to get the movies ready.

Our movie day playlist is Titanic, The Notebook, Insidious, Love Actually, and that’s my Boy. Niall came in soon after with the nachos, popcorn, soda, and candy. Oh Nialler, he gets me.

“You ready for a day of snuggling?” He says smiling his oh so adorable smile.

“Sure am babe!” I say as I wrap my hands around his neck and peck his lips. Then I hopped into bed and got all snuggled in. Niall put in the movie and snuggled up with me. We were both pigging out on our food.

*Niall’s POV*

Martini and I are snuggled up in our hotel room watching the Titanic. It was almost over and at the sad part.

I started watching her. God, she was so beautiful. I saw a tear run down her face so I wipe it away. A few more fall and I wipe them away. I pull her really close and she says, “Don’t let go.” “I won’t. I promise.” I answer and kiss her cheek.

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