Chapter 8

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*martini’s POV*

I got woken up by an excited Maddie. I quickly got up and put some cute skinny jeans on with a somewhat fancy but casual shirt. I put on some heels because they look great with my jeans.

I then re did my mascara on and added a little bit of eyeliner, blush, and eye shadow. Perfect.

Maddie just finished doing my hair. It was wavy and looked great! I looked in the mirror.

‘‘Damn girl. Can I get yooo numbaa?” Maddie said while smirking then laughing.

“Sure! Its 1800-Shuddup.” I answered and laughed back.

“I bet you two will get married.” Maddie said while poking me.

I gasped sarcastically. “No but seriously Maddie we just met”

“So? Well then. Date?” Maddie said looking enthusiastic.

“Hopefully… I just hope tonight goes well because that could start us kinda. You know?”

“Ya. It is almost 7. He will be here soon. I am gonna go watch some telly.” Maddie said leaving my room.

Soon after I heard a knock and ran to the door. I was almost to the door and tripped. I fell right on my arse.

“OW!” I screeched.

Niall must have heard me because he walked in and helped me up.

“You can walk next time love. I can wait.” He laughed. He had an adorable laugh.

“Sorry I was so excited. Won’t happen again.” I smirked.

Niall laughed. “Shall we go?”

“We shall” I smiled.

We walked to his Ranger. He drove to Nando’s which was pretty close. We pulled in and next thing I knew Niall opened the door for me.

“Well thank you sir.” I said while blushing.

We walked in and got seated.

‘You look beautiful.” Niall said. I blushed badly.

The waiter came over. I was glad it wasn’t a girl because she might recognize Niall.

“May I take your order?”

We both ordered.

“I am glad you and your friend are our neighbors. We have had some creeper ones.” Niall said.

“Well I am glad you don’t think I am a creeper.” I laughed.

He laughed as well.

We soon got our food and he ate really fast. I was ok with that because I was known for being a fast eater as well.

He was looking at me funny.

“What? Do I have something on my face?” I asked wiped my face with my napkin.

“No it’s just most girls would be embarrassed to eat in front of boys. You know?” he laughed.

“Well I’m different than most girls.” I smiled back.

“I like that.” He said while kind of blushing and taking a sip of his drink.

We soon finished eating and got the bill.

I went to grab it but Niall Beat me to it.

“Come on Niall. Let me pay.” I said reaching for it.

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