(0.7) snitches get stitches, but they also get bîtches

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Donald Duck at 2:00 am:
I love you

Maddie at 2:12 am:
shut up!

Donald Duck at 2:23 am:
No 'thank you' or a 'I love you too' ???

Donald Duck at 2:30 am:
Geez Maddie, where did all your manners go?

Maddie at 2:46 am:
They left. something I wish would happen to all the bull crap that comes from your mouth should go!

Donald Duck at 3:10 am:
That was a good one

Donald Duck at 3:20 am:
So how's Jeremy?

Maddie at 3:28 am:
That's not his name

Donald Duck at 3:29 am:
I'm sorry

Donald Duck at 3:37 am:
Ha, no I'm not!

Donald Duck at 3:37 am:
Is it Jeffery?

Maddie at 3:45 am:
No, it's not! It's Johnny!

Maddie at 3:46 am:
you wanna know how it is with him and me?!

Maddie at 3:48 am:
We broke up! That's how it's going with him and me!

Donald Duck at 4:20 am:
I am so sorry

Maddie at 4:29 am:
No you're not! I should've never told him about you. Maybe, me and him could've still been together, but I snitched.

Donald Duck at 5:06 am:
You know what they say about snitches...they get stitches

Maddie at 5:22 am:
Snitches get stitches, but they also get bîtches

13,056 Miles Away (The Fourteen Days of Love) ⇢ m.n.z Where stories live. Discover now