Dying inside

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We sat in silence do a few minutes. Suddenly, MJ's phone went off. She excused herself and answered it. It was the Bugle. They were wondering where she was. She replied that one of her closest friends had just lost someone that they loved and wanted to be there with them.

They didn't let her off the hook. She hung up the phone and apologized profusely. Two minutes later, she was out the door and I was alone once again.

When she was gone, I thought over what had happened in the past day and a half. Wade died and I'm wallowing in grief. He wouldn't want me to fail in anything because of him. He would want me to laugh it off like he always did when he got shot. So that's what I did.

I laughed and laughed and laughed. I laughed until I cried. I remembered when we first met he had held me at sword point and asked where the nearest chimichanga place was.

He was hilarious when he wanted to be and dead serious other times. I looked over at the katanas that I had, for some reason, brought home. I picked one up. It was surprisingly light. I had always thought that because of the the power that he put behind them that they would be decently heavy, but no.

I picked them both up and swung them around the apartment. I didn't hit anything, thankfully. The phone rang just as I was about to do a particularly powerful swing. The number was blocked.

I hesitantly picked it up.
"Hello?" I said down the line

"Deadpool? WHY HAVEN'T YOU BROUGHT ME THE TARGET'S HEAD!?" He screamed at me.

"It'll get to you when it gets to you" I said in my scarily good Deadpool impression.


I hung up and decided that I would finish this job, if only to Avenge Wade's death.

I turned to go back to the ally and made it there faster then ever before. I saw the body but paid it no mind. I picked it up and swung back to home.

I laid him on the couch and surveyed the spandex stretched thin over his body. It didn't seem too damaged so I stripped him of it. I went into the bedroom and decided to modify it to fit me. Since he was 6 inches taller of me, this would be quite a task.

I set to work sticking the suit to fit my height and body. After a few hours, I finish and look at my handiwork. It looked like the Deadpool suit only smaller. That's what I was going for. I checked the pouches for any info that Wade had on the target and employer.

He had a page written in his messy scrawl. It said that he was after an agent named Agent Kate Hughson. Wade was supposed to bring her head to the exact middle of Central Park at midnight tonight.

'Oh crap' I thought. That only gave me 10 hours to find her, unalive her ( he's right it feels almost wrong to say kill) and bring her head to the employer. Great.
It has begun *evil laugh*

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