The Dead

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I had fallen asleep on the couch after a few episodes. When I woke up, the sun was peeking over the horizon. It was Saturday. 5 days until the funeral. Yay.

I felt that I hadn't patrolled enough this week because of what happened to Wade. I walked to the room that now felt empty.

As quickly as I could, I pulled on my spider suit. I wanted to leave the cold room that contained the body of the one I loved.

On my way out, I cast one more look at the room and left through the window. My first web attached itself to the side of the building opposite mine. I started my decent until I was just over the road. At the last possible second, I hooked another web onto the next building.

I was halfway across the city already, deep in thought about everything and nothing at all. I didn't realize exactly how much web I had already used until I tried to attach one to the next building.

There wasn't enough to make it. After a mini heart attack, I decided on doing a flip and landing gracefully on the ground.

Great. I have half a city to cover and no webs. I guess I have to go back to the apartment and hope to whatever Gods there are that I don't come across any super villains.

On my long walk back, it gave me more time that I wanted, to think about everything that had happened this week. This year.

Not only did Wade die, I had lost Aunt May a few months ago. Her loss was still fresh in my heart and now it just felt like someone had taken a salt shaker to that wound and emptied it.

Wade was my rock. He was my everything. No one else knew me like he did. I even told him the things that I had kept from Aunt May. Like the fact that I was Spiderman.

Actually, that's how we met. I was on a job that had me tracking down a man in a red suit that was contract killing. I had been looking for a man in a red three piece suit. You know, the thing most normal people think of when someone says 'suit'.

As I finished my trek home, I thought more than I would have liked about us and what he meant to me. By the time I was back on the couch, I was almost in tears. I had to face the reality that I was alone. Sure, I had MJ, but honestly, I felt like we had been drifting apart since I had started dating Wade.

I fell asleep on the couch (again) and woke up with a terrible knot in my neck. Wonderful, another shitty thing to add to my otherwise shitty life.

-Time skip to funeral.-

(A/N: I've been delaying this part because I really don't want to have to write the funeral of my favourite Marvel character.)

I was up on the podium, giving a speech about how great Wade was. In my super heated black suit and tie. I was about to have a nervous breakdown because I was never really good at giving speeches, let alone about my deceased boyfriend.

A few of our friends from the super hero side of New York had come. Logan, Rogue and Storm were here, as well as Domino, Wade's sometimes partner on jobs, and even Lady Death herself had attended.

After the ceremony, every one came up to me to say the things that you're supposed to say in this situation, even if the words are empty. Things like, I'm sorry, I share your grief and my condolences were thrown around.

I was starting to get restless. I wanted to go back out on patrol. I wanted to do something with my life other than sit here and accept the apologies that hadn't stopped flowing since the ceremony had begun.

When everyone was done putting up with the formalities and the group started to disperse, I snuck away to go back to the apartment.
The first thing that my eyes fell on was not my suit, but my modified version of Wade's.

I didn't just want to patrol, I wanted to unalive someone.

Where had that thought come from?!? I quickly turned away from the Deadpool costume. What was going on?!
*grins evilly* What's going to happen? What's happening to Peter? Well my dear readers, that is for me to know, and you to find out.

Goodbye AgonyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang