The Day After

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I decided that I should go to school that day, if only to not make MJ worry anymore than she already has. I get up and throw on the first clean pair of pants and shirt that I could find. I ended up wearing a dark red shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans.

I grab my bag and head out the door, only pausing to lock it. On the way to school, I get time to think about what had happened the night before.

I had actually broken my golden rule of not killing anybody. Ever. I didn't even break it when Aunt May died and she was the one who raised me.

I realized that I would have to plan the funeral for Wade. I couldn't just let him sit in the apartment. I decided that after school, I would head to the funeral home to make the arrangements.

~Time skip to after school~

As I entered the building, I realized that I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. Even though I had helped with Aunt May's funeral, MJ had done most of the planning, mainly because I was too grief stricken to do much aside from sit in my room and stare at the wall.

I went up to one of the funeral directors and told him what happened. Not everything, of course, but just enough to know that someone who was very special to me had passed and that I had no idea what I was doing.

He took over, thank god, and asked me if I already had a coffin picked out. I repeated the fact that I had no clue whatsoever as to what I was doing, hoping that he would take a hint.

Thankfully he did and started asking me different questions like, how tall was he? How wide at the shoulders? And what I wanted the box, that would contain the body of my boyfriend forever, to look like. (Obviously not in those words)

I gave him the answers to the first two questions easily enough, but I had to think about the last one. I decided to go with the Deadpool colour scheme. The box would be black with red and white designs.

I thanked the man and paid him for the services. He said that the funeral could be held as early as next week. I agreed, wanting to get it over with. As I was walking back home, I was so absorbed in my own thoughts that I almost jumped out of my skin when my spidey-senses went off.

I sighed. I just wanted to go back home and relax. I decided that I would get this over with asap so that I could go home and lose myself in another Arrow marathon.

I turned into an alley and quickly changed into my suit. The spidey suit not the Deadpool one. I turned the corner and shot a web at the nearest building. I pulled myself up it and soon, I was halfway across the city, wondering where the crime was happening.

It turned out to be a purse snatcher that I quickly apprehended. I webbed him to a lamppost for the cops to find and started swinging back home. As I approached, I slowed down and lowered myself to ground level. I walked up to the side that my unit faced and started climbing, knowing that I had left the window open.

I wedged the window open and half stepped, half fell into the room. Such a graceful swan I am. I immediately turned to the bathroom, peeling off the costume as I went, in need of a good shower.

The moment I stepped out, I was met by a wall of cold air, realizing that I had left the window open and as it was mid-November, it tended to get a little cold. I wrapped a towel around myself and grabbed another for my hair. I walked over to the window and shut it, but I may have pulled it down a little too quickly as the glass formed spiderweb like cracks. Shit, now I need a new window.

I walked to my room and threw on some sweats and a t-shirt. I walked back out, dropping the towels in the laundry basket (yes we DO have one, Wade just never used it) on my way to the couch. I jumped and turned in mid air so that I was horizontal as I fell onto the well worn cushions. I booted up Netflix and selected Arrow, getting ready fir the next few hours of my life killing off a few more brain cells.

Hi! Just so you know, I have a vague outline of what I want this fic to turn out as and you will get chapters like this that aren't exactly crucial to the storyline but are more here to provide some insight as to what is happening in the day to day life. So when I post a chapter like this, please bear with me, things will happen.

Goodbye Agonyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن