Chapter 10

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The moment I stepped into the apartment, I knew something was wrong. I saw the shattered window and immediately unsheathed the katana that I had in my hand.

Whoever was in my house had obviously not heard me yet. I tried to use that to my advantage as I started to adhere myself to the wall and climbed upward to the ceiling trying to get a better ambush position.

When I reached the top I kicked out towards the door with my foot to slam it shut. The trespasser came bolting around the corner trying to reach the window. When they were under me, I dropped on top of them, pulled their head back and settled my blade under their chin.

I finally gave myself a chance to look at them properly and realized that it was just one of Wade's old friends Weasel. I removed myself from on top of him and offered him a hand up.

'Hi, Peter. Is Wade around?'

I looked at him like he had five heads, then remembered that I have been Deadpool for a few days so no one from that side of his life knew that he was dead.

'No, Weasel. Wade, um, he's...... Dead. I guess you finally win the dead pool.'

By the look on his face, you might think that I just hit him with a bag of bricks. I may as well have, I knew that he and Wade were really good friends.

But to my surprise, the first words out of his mouth were 'I am so sorry Pete. I know that you two were involved.'

I was stunned, I knew that Wade had told Weasel about me, but not about us.

'What were you going to ask him?' I asked.

'I was going to ask to borrow his 9mm, mine was stolen.' Weasel replied.

Without even asking why he couldn't just get another one, I turned towards the kitchen and pointed at the top drawer on the left. 'That one.'

'Thanks, Peter. I really am sorry for you.'

At least he sounded genuine about it.

When he left, I didn't even bother to put down the katana. I headed straight to the closet that held our costumes and stripped out of my Spiderman one and into the modified Deadpool one.

Without wasting any time I slipped out the open window, armed only with the two katanas strapped on my back. The first alley that I came across was in the middle of being decimated by two gangs, most likely in the middle of a territory war.

I made my way to the roof of one of the buildings that formed the alley and jumped down, using the fire escapes to ease my way. (I wasn't planning on breaking anything tonight.)

I landed in the middle of the fight and unsheathed my katanas. The gangs seemed to forget the feud between them momentarily and everyone came swarming towards me all at once.

I swung my weapons and jumped around my attackers/victims in a deadly dance. Every swing was precise and calculated. Each and every one met its mark and soon enough, I was standing in a circle of dead bodies with a scarily large grin on my face.

As I was admiring my work, the thought hit me like a truck. Was I enjoying this?! I thought about it and came to the conclusion that I was. Me, Peter Parker, was enjoying killing people.

By the time I had only just begun to think of what that meant, I heard sirens heading towards me. Some civilian must have seen what was happening and called 911. I quickly turned and ran back to the apartment.

When I returned, I immediately peeled the suit and went to take a shower. That was a bad idea, as it gave my mind time to think about what just happened. I had always saved as Spiderman, that's the kind of person I was.

But now, I am starting to realize that maybe, that's not the person that I am now. Maybe I was becoming more and more like Wade. Even when he was alive, I had found myself getting increasingly violent and more often than not, the bad guys would have to go to the hospital before going to jail.

I decided to try not to think about it too much and just go to bed. I didn't have any homework as I had left halfway through the day and none of my morning classes supplied me with any.

As I rolled under the covers however, my mind decided that it wanted to play the Spiderman/Spiderpig theme song incessantly. Normally, I would just wake Wade up and get him to, distract me until I passed out from exhaustion. But now, I have to try to go to bed without him and with this stupid song dedicated to me, and a pig, stuck in my head.

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