The Head

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I got dressed in the Deadpool costume. I couldn't let anyone see Spiderman kill someone could I. I looked over the assortment of weapons that Wade had at his disposal. His famous katanas of course, a multitude of different guns, some explosives, a handful of knives and his literal pocket dimension.

I decided on the katanas, 2 handguns and a few throwing knives. I decided to forgo the web slingers. Again, I don't want Deadpool to be associated to Spiderman.

As I set out, I took another look at the page that Wade had made on Ms. Hughson. She was a S. H. I. E. L. D. agent and had level 4 security. Great. Not quite one of the highest ranks, but still high enough that if she goes missing, people will notice.

He also listed a few of the places where one would most likely find her, so I decided to start there. The first location was of course her house. The address was listed as 34th and Broadway. I decided to start there. 

Thankfully, I had the teleportation belt so I wouldn't have to walk very far. I thought really hard about the place I wanted to go and, poof. I was in front of the doors. I let out a sigh of relief. I could have teleported inside a wall or something.

I decided that going in the front doors wouldn't be the best choice I had ever made so I circled around to the back and scaled the wall to the roof and looked for the access hatch.

I found it within seconds and it only took me three tries to jimmy the lock. (Cut me some slack, I was the goody two shoes up until last night.)

I opened the hatch onto the hallway below. I took one last look at the paper and determined that the flat number was on the fifth floor. Good, I only have to go down one floor.

I opted for the stairs and quickly found the right door. I knocked and waited. The door thankfully didn't have a peephole, forcing her to open the door. When she made that mistake, I kicked it open, sending her flying across the room.

I stepped over the threshold and took out one of the katanas. I had to try really hard not to say something like 'Katherine Hughson, you have failed this city.'

I got to about halfway across the room when the shots were fired. She had taken out her gun and had it pointed directly at me. I narrowly avoided getting hit by a bullet and kept advancing.

I finally reached the other side of the room and swung the blade in my hand. It must have been sharper than I thought because it sliced her head clean off. Or, as clean as decapitating a person can be. I got blood everywhere. Oops. Anyway, I picked up the severed head and put it in the pocket dimension.

I turned to leave and almost tripped over the rest of her body. That's when I lost it. I barely had the time to lift the mask up before I vomited. That's when it dawned on me. Holy shit, I just killed someone. I wiped my mouth off and pulled the mask back over my face.

I walked back out and headed to Central Park. I made it there at approximately 11:58. Two minutes before drop off. I saw a man in a black suit sitting on a bench a few feet away. He stood up when I arrived so I assumed that he was the man that I was supposed to present the head to.

Thank god that I was correct in my assumption as he demanded to see the head. I pulled it out of my pocket to a look of confusion from the older man. I offered no explanation I just demanded my payment. I knew Wade wouldn't accept a job unless it paid well.

I was met with a briefcase filled with 100$ bills. I handed over the head and turned away. I walked a few paces but then just because I couldn't resist a little drama, I focused really hard on the apartment and teleported mid step.

I walked into my bedroom and collapsed on the bed. Silent tears rolled down my face when I took his mask off. His mask. Not mine. It will never be mine. The tears flowed faster now. For the woman that I had killed not an hour ago, and for the man that I could now properly mourn now that the person who had him killed was dead.

I didn't know how long I had laid there, staring at the ceiling but eventually I fell asleep. My dreams were haunted by his face telling me what I had just done was wrong. I tossed and turned all night. Finally, I was awoken once again by my alarm going off next to my ear.

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