Chapter 8

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A/N: ha, I said soon. Oops.
When I got to class, Sam and Danny immediately started pestering me with questions.

Oh, I should mention now that my friends Danny, Ava, Sam and Luke are actually Iron Fist, White Tiger, Nova and Power Man. Moving on.

Danny and Sam, being the mother hens that they would never admit that they are, were asking things like "are you feeling okay?" And "can I feel your forehead?" Ava and Luke just sat back and giggled a little about the way the other boys were treating me.

Finally the class was called to order and we started with lessons. The little men in my head didn't let up and, in fact only got worse. Around 10:35 I decided to go get it checked out by the nurse.

As I walked down the hallway, who do I see but the one and only, Flash Thompson, my own personal tormenter. I mean, this guy has been bullying me since we were kids.

As it just so happens, he sees me too and beelines for me. I turn the other way and bolt. Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to run at top speed because of secret identity reasons, so he easily catches up.

'Hey, Parker. Where's the homework that you were supposed to be doing for me that was due yesterday?' He fumed.

'Oh, maybe there are things in my life that don't permit me to do your homework, Flash.' I replied.

Before Flash even raised his arm, I knew exactly what was coming. I clued in before even my spidey-senses due to long time exposure to bullies. Thankfully, as Flash's fist was about to make direct contact with my jaw, Principal Coulson walked down the hallway and ordered me into the detention room.

Normally, I would flip if I had detention, but I knew that I wasn't actually in trouble. In fact as I made my way to the class with the word "DETENTION" written on it I saw Ava heading my way. S.H.I.E.L.D. mission then. We joined up with Luke, Sam and Danny in the room. We all sat down in the seats that we knew had secret trapdoors underneath them.

As we made our way to SHIELD HQ, I realized that this was my first mission since I had killed someone. I hoped that I wouldn't feel the animalistic urge to do it again. That's Wolverine's thing.

As we gathered around the briefing table, Director Fury started explaining what exactly we were doing. Turns out that we're doing the exact same mission that led me to meet Wade, recovery of a hard drive that contained all of the aliases of every super hero in the world. They really need to up their security on this thing.

Everyone turned to me and stared, all silently asking the same question, 'are you going to be ok on this mission?' I nodded, even though I wasn't sure myself.

As we finished suiting up, Ava straight-up asked me if I was going to be ok with the mission. I decided to give her and only her the honest answer, knowing that she would never tell anyone if I asked her not to. Very subtly, I shook my head. She nodded back and continued going over the plan with the rest of us.

Go to the island, find Taskmaster (again), recover the hard drive (again), and try to capture Taskmaster.

Simple enough even Nova could understand. I really hope that this went well.
Oh school, why must you drop so many projects on me during the last 4 weeks? I am internally screaming because of how in prepared I am. I am VERY sorry for not updating sooner but I don't really have any motivation to write right now. (Ha, homonyms) Anyway, I will try to update when I have the motivation and I respect writers that can schedule when they're going to put out chapters.

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