Chapter Sixteen!

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That night Harry lay in bed. He could hear the TV in the living area through the thin walls. He was lying above the duvet, head deep in the pillow, in nothing but his black boxers. His green eyes stated unblinking at the ceiling.

Did Louis feel anything towards him?

Would it be so wrong as to tell the older lad how he felt?

Did Louis ever think about what it could be like if they were together?

Would he ever stand a chance with a man like that?

Harry sighed in frustration, eyes closing right shut and fingers tangling in his curls. He clenched his jaw as he tried to wipe the questions out of his mind. He shouldn't be thinking of this! It was seen as disgrace! Louis could go to prison if anyone found out... Well that is if they ever got together. Harry didn't want that... But he wanted Louis to know how he felt.

He just didn't know how to do it.

Growling he got up off of his bed, grabbing some baggy grey trackies from his drawer, pulling them on. He wanted to see what his friends said, on how to tell someone you loved them. He rubbed his eyes and shuffled to the living area, to find Niall asleep in Liam's arms, who was still wide awake.

"Hey Li?" Harry called, causing the older lad to turn with a warm smile. His brown eyes were tired and Harry couldn't help but feel happy. He walked over to the leather recliner, flopping on it with a huff.

"What's up Haz?" He asked, holding Niall tightly, as the blonde boy snored softly, nuzzling into Liam's chest. Harry groaned slightly not knowing how to ask.

"U-Um... How do you tell someone you like them without actually h-having to see their reaction?"

Liam chuckled. He didn't understand that Harry was actually being serious until he saw Harry's confused look. He cleared his throat and spoke up.

"I wouldn't recommend using any kind of electronic way to tell them, unless you phone them, so why don't you just write a letter or something?"

Harry let his eyes close again. He wasn't good with words when it came to spilling his feelings. His voice wasn't the reliable either in these situations but he had to try something. He swallowed thickly and smiled a forced smile.

"I-I guess so. Thanks Li." Harry said as he stood up, walking back towards the bedroom, ruffling Liam's hair as he did so. He chuckled as Liam whined at him. He loved messing with Liam.

When Harry got to what was his bedroom now he closed the door, walking blindly to the bedside table to grab his phone before sitting at the uncluttered desk in the corner. Sitting down in the comfortable computer chair, Harry lay his phone on the desk, then resting his elbows on the wooden surface, head falling in his hands.

He could either stuff it up by writing how he felt, or he could stuff it up by speaking how he felt. He'd find himself blushing either way. Sighing he grabbed his phone, pulling up his contacts list. His thumb hovered over Louis' name, his cheeks already burning up red.

"Fuck it..." He grumbled angrily, pressing the contact and phoning his number. He put it on loud speaker but turned the volume down.





Harry cursed mentally. He'd woken Louis up. Then he stopped and face palmed. He shouldn't be sorry for it because the bastard had woken him up many a time now.

Sex Tape With My Teacher? {Larry Stylinson(with a bit of Zarry & Niam!)} - {BOOK 1}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ