We're Back and It's Over

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Ro nervously approached the driveway across from hers. White smoke poured from the exhaust in pillaring spirals. Mico's Dad shut the back doors to the van, signaling her she'd come just in time. Mico came out the front door clutching a cup of coffee. Ro was glad she'd already had a cup of her mom's, an attempt to compensate for her late night.

The two teenagers glanced at each other cautiously, unsure of how to act. Ro's heartbeat sped up and her stomach churned violently. Mico opened the door for her and she got into the truck between Mico and his dad, where she always sat. His dad backed out of the driveway and shifted into drive. At the end of the street, before the stop sign, there was a sewage grate. As the van bumped over it Ro and Mico's thighs brushed accidentally.

Ro blushed deeply and she was angry with her natural reaction because it gave away her feelings. She looked sideways at Mico and rolled her eyes at his cocky grin and flushed face. She was satisfied that even though he was covering it up, she had affected him. She bit her lower lip to keep from laughing at him.

To fill the silence, Mico leaned over Ro to turn on the radio. He used his left hand as leverage on her thigh. She shuddered, pretending she was just cold, but Mico kew she was reacting to his touch. The music played but nobody listened. The atmosphere in the van was tense between the three. By the time Mico's dad crossed over the highway bridge, both of them had begun to fidget.

Mico's dad turned off the radio and the two kids sighed in relief, letting out shaky laughter. Mico tapped the door handle in a rhythm and Ro unconsciously nodded her head with it. Mico's dad drove to the school entrance, pausing before letting them out to exclaim, "Why are you two so tense?!"

Looking at each other with panic in their eyes they both mumbled at the same  time different excuses. Ro's, "Math test," wasn't sketchy. However, Mico's, "Soccer practice," excuse was a dead end. His father yelled, "It's winter! Soccer season's over, Christ!" Mico opened the door and bounded out, Ro following closely.

Slamming the door behind her she caught up to Mico. Until her friends came to meet her, Mico was her protection on the walk into school. She was a sophomore, but she was nonetheless cautious of the upperclassmen and their attitudes towards her. Mico gained her an acceptance that caused them to leave her alone.

Ro was utterly relieved to see one of her more popular friends almost immediately after walking in the door. Ro's hand passed against Mico's as she walked towards the girl. "Oh my god!" Alli said, "You rode with him? He's gorgeous. He's a senior!" Ro laughed and explained, "I do everyday. He's my neighbor."

"You told me about him," Alli said, "But you never specified that your neighbor is HIM." Four girls approached Ro and Alli, the most well known of the sophomore class. Ro decided to take off and find some of her truer friends.

She spotted them talking to a group of guys. Sera, Claire, Ky, and Ann were waving as Ro approached. "Hey babe," Ann said happily, giving Ro a hug. Gabe pouted, "What no hug for me?" Rolling her eyes Ro hugged him cautiously, although she relaxed once he tightened his grip on her.

Her best friend Daniel launched into a conversation with her about their favorite band and their new song. Ethan came up behind Sera and grabbed her waist. She squealed and turned around to give him a kiss. The group collectively chorused, "Aw," and the couple laughed. Brendon held Ky's waist a little tighter and she smiled up at him.

The bell rang and their group disbanded to go to their lockers before homeroom. Ro stuck with Ann and Claire, being in the same homeroom, and walked into the room across the hall. Hanna made a heart with both hands when she saw Ro come in.

"Rosalina!" She exclaimed. Ro smiled and gave her a hug. "Hey, Hanna." Ro took a seat next to Hanna and Ann took the one in front of her with Claire in back. Everyone chatted through the announcements about having fun on break with different friends. Ro didn't truly have time to digest what had happened only hours before between her and Mico. She took a moment to think about how he'd touched her, and how she'd touched him. She felt the experience slipping through her mind like a bar of wet soap through her hands. The feeling was unpleasant.

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