A Fairytale Beginning

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I felt the breeze chill my skin and I shivered. The warm arms that wrapped around me, clad in worn black leather, were a relief to my goosebumps.

"Are you alright?" He whispers in my ear. I nod my reply, not wanting to speak.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked him. I was confused but I didn't know why. He kissed the top of my head and responded.

"Because I've always cared about you." I opened my eyes when my hair whipped into my face. I swiped it off my forehead and it stayed matted down to my head. The fan was on in my dark room and thats when I realized it had been a dream. I wanted it to be Matt, but it hadnt felt like him. I didn't remember who it was though.

I answered my text from Dev, telling her my morning was a little off because of my dream. I got up and ready for spending the day with my mom. I normally do spend a lot of time with her but I haven't lately because of school.

We're going to have an all day outing to the mall, movies, and dinner. I think dad is meeting us for dinner depending on how long his job today takes him. I put on jeans and a blue t-shirt that brings out my eyes, highlighting them with black eyeliner as well. I leave my hair up because it'd be too curly if I tried to take it down now.

My mom takes one look at me and gives me a dirty look as I bounce into the kitchen with my purse.

"What?" I ask, afraid I look horrible or something.

"I look like shit compared to you! Now I have to go change." She was wearing VS sweats that were big on her tiny body and a ribbed tank with a tight sweatshirt.

"Mom you look fine; we're just going to the mall. You have no one to impress." I tried to console her. She looked gorgeous: she was the type of person that could scrub and look beautiful.

"Next to you? Honey I've got a lot to catch up to." She gave me a once over again and ran back upstairs. Minutes later she was back in a pair of tight jeans. "Feel better?" I asked her, slightly amused. She nodded curtly and grabbed her keys.

"Yes, now let's go." I followed her out the door to the car and turned in the radio to our favorite station. One good thing about having a mom who's only double your age is that we still share the same taste in music. My mom starts singing in a ridiculous accent that has me giggling a little bit.

"What?" She pauses, "I'm awesome. Listen." She warbles on a high note laughing and drops down to an extremely low tone to mock the next part. I'm full out laughing by this point.

"Mom stop, you're horrible!" I'm laughing hard, clutching my sides doubled over in the front seat. She slaps me and tells me to watch it before belting out the ending sequence, arms flapping above her head.

"Mom! Hands on the wheel!" I exclaim incredulously. She does as I say and I heave a very obvious sigh of relief. She gave me a dirty look and then stuck her tongue out at me.

"You're a fun sucker!" She fake yelled. I gasped, theatrically clutching a hand to my heart.

"Why mother, you wound me!" I say sarcastically. She laughs and scoffs.

"Yeah, yeah, you spoiled brat." I give her a genuine smile and muster my cutest little kid voice to tell her I love her. She reaches over and yanks my bun.

"Ow!" I yelp, still smiling.

"Shut up," she sneers before we both laugh. We pull into the mall parking lot and settle ourselves in a spot near Guess.

"So, what're you buying me?" I ask, looping my arm through hers. She gives me that look that says she's going to pretending she's not going to buy me a damn thing, but I know she will.

Where You Aren't, The First Star, Celia's StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon