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Get ready for this bomb ;)


Ro's mother excused her after her first period class. After an hour and a half, Ro had come to a conclusion. She had a plan. And an appointment. Whether Mico liked it or not, Ro was going to do everything in her power to make sure pregnancy wouldn't be an issue.

He was right. During first period Ro had zoned out, at first trying to imagine what a relationship would be like with Mico. He was right. It wouldn't work. He was a senior, two years and nine months older than her. He would graduate in six months and leave her. He was like her brother. When she realized that, she found she was more than disappointed. She was sad.

Maybe she was pregnant. Maybe she wasn't. This sudden stress made her never want to have sex again. She wanted to close her legs just thinking about it. Ro got into her mother's car and shut the door. Then she really did cross her legs.

Her mother said hello, and Ro replied. They made small conversation here and there but Ro clearly wasn't in the mood for talking. Her mother chattered to herself after a while, even thought Ro wasn't answering. The scenery flew by outside Ro's window and she watched with interest as houses, mail boxes, cars, and people shifted like fast frames of an old-fashioned movie.

Two years ago, Ro's mother introduced her to the OBGYN. Her mother had told her that even though Ro didn't really need them, it would be good to get into the habit of being tested each year. The rarity of anything coming out of the test of a healthy then thirteen, now fifteen, year old girl made Ro comfortable with the tests. This visit, however, Ro was a bit more nervous about. It was part of her plan.

Once at the office, Ro sat in the waiting room and filled out the necessary form. She shifted her weight, for the first time uncomfortable that her mother was sitting next to her, as she read the questions about sex and her last period.

"When was my last period, Mom?" She asked, struggling to remember if her period really was supposed to come next week. Her mom thought for a moment and pulled out her calander. Ro groaned.

"Ma," she exclaimed. Her mother asked, "What?" Ro glanced at the day her mother was looking at. There was a red star in the corner of the box. "You write down when I get my period?!" Her mother gave her a look that said 'oh please'. "I only star it sweetie. It's important to keep track of and I know you won't do it yourself."

Ro shook her head, laughed, and said, "Normal people don't do that." Her mother insisted that most women who weren't on a birth control pill did. Ro bit her lip and said, "Okay, just spit it out. When was it?" Her mom replied, "About a month ago, you should be getting it this week." Ro sighed and resigned herself to the fact that she was going to have to wait this out after all. At least it wouldn't be as long as she'd thought.

Ro felt dirty when she circled 'one' for the number of sex partners she'd had. She circled 'no' for being sexually active. She was really dreading this visit.

It wasn't long after she finished the form and clutched it protectively against her body that the nurse at the door called her name.

Where You Aren't, The First Star, Celia's StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora