five- Issues

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Mico waited until the end of 5th period, because he knew Gabe would be staying after that long. Earlier, as he'd seen Dan in the hall, he'd asked for Gabe's number. When Dan asked why after he'd given him the seven digits, Mico sourly answered, "Because of Ro." Then he'd texted Gabe saying he was going to set him straight, and that Gabe should be ready for anger, and tons of overprotection.

Mico roamed the halls looking for him, his anger burning inside. When he saw him, leaning against a locker in the sophomore hallway, Mico knew what he'd done. Gabe was leaning against Ro's locker, waiting for her to get out of 5th. Gabe wanted to create conflict between Ro and Mico and that alone made Mico furious enough to beat Gabe to a pulp.

As he approached he said, "You like kissing my girl, do you? Don't get used to it." Then he swung.

It was the last ten minutes of 5th, and it was a time to ask for help with work, but Ro was telling Dan about her and Mico. She kept pressing on, even though she knew Dan didn't want to know about the intensity of her feelings, let alone that she'd screwed her neighbor and the whole family knew. Ro figured Dan thought she had problems but he hadn't said to stop yet; only that he'd found it beyond disturbing.

Ro couldn't stop; every feeling she had for Mico slipped from her lips, and every memory flashed before her eyes. Then she heard a bang from outside the door, and yelling.

"YOU WON'T DO THAT AGAIN, GOT IT?!" Mico screamed as he grasped Gabe's shirt with his fist and pinned the sophomore to the lockers. Gabe's breathing increqased and Mico knew he was ready to bolt. Mico pushed an upper cut under his chin and pulled him from the wall, flinging him down the hallway. Gabe presently stood and tried to gain traction and balance as he sprinted.

Mico was shaking from anger when he heard a teacher cough. He turned to face her, fists curled. He saw Ro behind the teacher. Ro's eyes were wide with concern for him. His fingers were curled again. Ro's eyes pooled and realization danced across her features. Mico knew that she was feeling guilty and that he was scaring her.

He uncurled his fists, ignoring everybody's silent stares, as he took a step towards Ro and reached out to her. She hesitated but Ro pushed past her teacher's stiff arm and warning. Mico saw Dan make a noise of disgust as he turned away. Mico opened his arms and Ro wrapped hers around his torso. He gripped her tightly and she looked up at him as he looked down at her hurt eyes.

"Why, baby, why?" The look in his eyes confirmed that he knew about the kiss, but his lips said, "For you, so you realize..." She buried her head in his chest and as her teacher approached to pull Ro away, Ro's grip tightened on him as much as his did on her. She smiled against him and said to her teacher, "Please don't suspend him Ms. Smith, please."

Ro pleaded with her teacher without watching her reaction. This hug was her only chance to say she was sorry. "Detention, Mr...?" Ms. Smith said, "To be served on Friday. You're lucky I'm not suspending you." Mico replied, "Jones," nodding to let her know he'd be there. He felt more like himself now to Ro, making her not want to let go.

"Rosalina, the bell has not rung. You need to return to the classroom now." Ro stared into Mico's eyes, and he kissed her lightly on the forehead- a posessive kiss, and she loved it. Looking back over her shoulder, she walked towards her teacher, and the held breaths of her classmates were released.

Ann asked, "You kissed Gabe didn't you?" Her seat was right by the door, so she'd seen her cousin killing Gabe. Ro nodded and lowered her ashamed eyes. Dan turned away from her, not wanting to hear anything more about Mico, but Ann squeezed her arm and listened. Ro ignored her disgusted facials because she already knew Ann was grossed out by her best friend hooking up with her cousin. Then the bell rang, and the girls bolted, meeting Mico outside the door.

Where You Aren't, The First Star, Celia's StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon