eleven- Don't Push Your Luck

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Author's Note:

In the story, it's the end of May. Let's go until the end of June?


The sunlight breaking through the early morning clouds fell across the bed over Rosalina's sleeping body. Mico opened his eyes and smiled when he saw her. He knew that soon he'd experience that every morning.

Neither of them had thought about the repercussions of their decisions. They were going to get married. They tried to have a baby. Did he have doubts? A few. He worried about others' reactions. They were in high school. They hadn't made the smartest decision.

Mico was graduating at the end of June. He couldn't go to college with a baby, could he? Rosalina was fifteen. Oh God, he thought, Rosalina's fifteen. How could he try to have a baby with a fifteen year old? His good mood had vanished.

What had they done?

Rosalina stirred in his arms, sensing that Mico was awake. She rubbed her eyes and looked up at him. As usual, he wasn't smiling.

"What's wrong?" Ro asked him, not sure she wanted to know. His eyes looked sad, and her stomach sank. He didn't want her anymore. She could see it written all over her face that he was doubting their relationship. He was going to tell her that he didn't want to be with her, that the last night had been a mistake. That he didn't love her.

"You're fifteen," he said. Ro winced. She knew it. Ro didn't reply, knowing that he would continue when he was ready. She didn't want him to. She wanted to hit rewind and go back to sleep and pretend she'd never woken up.

Her world was crashing down around her. Her heart was breaking. The silence following his statement pressed down on her, suffocating. Tears welled up in her eyes.

"How could I do this to you? You're not ready for this, Ro. What did we do? You have your whole life ahead of you and I tried to take that from you. I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, baby." He cradled her face in his hand, pressing his forehead to hers.

Her tears fell and hit his hand. Mico tilted her to look at him. Her confusion broke his heart. She didn't understand what he'd just ruined for her. He'd just ruined her life.

"Mico I don't want anything else. How could you say that? You don't want me? You don't want our family?" She asked, drawing away from him. He felt like he was losing her, but for him he felt like he deserved to. Who in their right mind would be as crazy as him?

He would have to lie to let her live her own life. She wouldn't leave him otherwise.

"No," he croaked unconvincingly.

Her lip trembled.

"No?" She echoed, closing her eyes and pressing her lips into a thin line.

"No." He said with a little more confidence.

She shivered on the bed, drawing the covers around her. Sobs racked her body and she cried uncontrollably. She hadn't cried that hard since Ben's death.

Ben wouldn't have done this to her.

Ben wouldn't' have destroyed her so completely with just one word. Ben would never have said no to her. He would have continued loving her, until the day he...died. But he had, hadn't he? He'd been there for her through all of her pain. She'd never given him a fair chance.

He'd never get that fair chance. She wouldn't. They wouldn't ever be together.

And now Mico, now Mico didn't want his chance either. She was damaged goods. Who would want to be with a girl who'd been so utterly broken? Who would want to be with a girl who had cancer? Who would want to be with a girl who wanted to get pregnant?

Where You Aren't, The First Star, Celia's StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang