The New Status Quo

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Do you feel like rejecting the status quo? I do. I don't need to fit in. I don't need to be "cool" or "popular." So here is the new status quo that you can follow. If you want. I know I will.

Icky's Status Quo

• You never need to be "popular."

• All sexualities are welcome and amazing.

• Followers and likes on social media don't matter. The only thing that matters is wether or not you like what you've posted.

• Appearance is a biggie. To some people. But not to me. Who cares what you look like? If you like it, it's amaze balls.

• Music choices are fine no matter what. Listen to country, listen to lyricless, listen to whatever makes you happy, and if you're happy, I'm happy for you.

• Religion doesn't need to be discussed. If you're Jewish, Christian, Morman, Muslim, Atheist, you're awesome no matter what. And if others don't see that, they're dumb.

• Race doesn't matter. Humans are all equal. And if someone is racially segregating you, don't worry about it. On the inside, you need to know you are still a person, and you are the same as everyone else.

Remember to comment anything I should add to this status quo.

Reject the old one, and set the trend for this one. Who cares what others think about your looks, choices, or sexuality? I definitely don't. You're always a human. And you should never be left out.

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