Chapter 1

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Aphmau leaped through the forest. Her black hair getting caught on some of the branches. Her purple backpack slung across her shoulder. It was practically empty except for a hood she would wear while she was around, or in, a village. Just so she wouldn't be seen as a girl so men wouldn't flirt with her.

A raindrop fell from above, landing on Aphmau's head. Making her look up towards the sky. It had, indeed, been cloudy these past few days but no rain had come. Maybe it would be a thunderstorm? She liked the rain but if it was a thunderstorm she would have to take shelter. But where? There was almost nothing in sight but trees and leaves. Aphmau could make a shelter out of the wood, but how long would that take her? Probably too long. The rain started falling fast and hard, making her clothes stick to her.

Aphmau didn't hesitate to rush out of the forest. It wasn't exactly her favorite place to be when a thunderstorm struck. She would have to find somewhere, maybe a small house or something, just so she wouldn't get too wet and catch a cold. Removing the purple bag from her shoulder she grabbed the brown hood and placed it over her head. It wouldn't do much against the rain but it was better than nothing, even if her clothes were already soaked.

Something struck the tree beside her, instantly making her turn her head around. An arrow. One that would have hit her in the head if the archer had better aim. But why would someone shoot an arrow at Aphmau? Unless it was someone from O'khasis, they aren't the friendliest village. Yet Aphmau had gone through O'khasis just a few days before. Could she have really gone in circles? True, the forest outside of O'khasis was dangerously hard to travel, but Aphmau had gotten through without much trouble. Or had she taken a wrong turn and ended up back in O'khasis without even knowing?

"Garroth! You almost had him, quick grab him!" Someone yelled, a man by the sounds of it. "The lord would not be pleased if we left someone who might be a threat to us outside the gates."

"Laurance! You try shooting an arrow when you can barely see your target," another voice. Possibly Garroth. His voice was different though, yet Aphmau couldn't place her finger on it. "You take the bow!"

"Just get the guy!" The first voice yelled, probably Laurance as the second voice had called him.

Aphmau let out a laugh, had the two men actually thought that she was a man? At least the hood would do more than just collect the rain and the dust inside her bag. But wait, had Laurance said something about a gate? Maybe a village by the sounds of it, with a lord as well. Maybe it would be a good place to take shelter in the thunderstorm but would the lord allow her to stay the night? If it was the Brightport lord he might, but he never told Aphmau that he thought she was a threat and all his guards knew what she looked like. So this is certainly not Brightport.

"Stop right there!" Laurance's voice boomed. Although Aphmau wasn't moving at all.

"I wasn't moving," Aphmau said, somewhat irritated at the two men. "I'll be leaving now though."

"Stop!" Garroth called out, raising his sword. "The lord of Phoenix Drop has given us orders to capture and imprison anyone or looks, or acts, like they are a threat to the village. And you certainly look like a bandit of some sort."

Aphmau slightly turned go study Garroth. A guard with blonde hair and blue eyes, nothing more. Next to him though stood another guard, although this one seemed different. He had brown hair along with blue eyes, his emerald sword drawn. He would be able to strike and actually hit Aphmau if he wanted to. After all, she was defenceless right now. She had left her sword at her camp on the other side of the forest. Of course she had been thinking that she wouldn't be out long.

A strong breeze came, not too strong but strong enough for Aphmau's hood to fall off her head. Her hair blowing in the direction the wind was. Getting in her face, which was quite irritating. Especially since she may have to fight, even if she only had her fists, two guards with swords. A diamond one and an emerald one to be exact.

"You're coming with us," Laurance announced. Grabbing Aphmau by her wrist, dragging her to the other side of the forest.

"At least it'll get me out of the rain," Aphmau mumbled, allowing Laurance and Garroth to lead her out of the forest.

This is now edited. Sorry for the long wait. Hope you enjoyed!


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