Chapter 5

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Laurance leaned up against the wall outside Aphmau's room, he was waiting for her to get up. After all, he was the one who was showing her around Phoenix Drop, even if Garroth had been the one to set this up. Sometimes Laurance really doesn't like him, like today. It had been Laurance's patrol till Garroth said he would take over, and he probably had this all planned too. Garroth has been trying to make Laurance laugh, or even smile, for the longest time. But sadly that part of him was hidden, deep, deep, down. No one had seen it in the time that Zane had been lord, almost like it was his fault that it had happened. But no one really knows for sure. All they know is that the Laurance that used to laugh and joke around has been hidden, somewhere where no one can find him.

Aphmau's door creaked open and she stepped out. Her hair resting on her shoulders as she stepped out of the purple room, she was still in the same clothing she had been when Laurance had seen her in the forest. Minus the cloak.

"Are you ready to go?" Laurance asked, hoping that she was. He didn't want to wait outside her room anymore, his left foot had already fallen asleep from him putting too much weight on it. It probably would've been a good idea to switch feet.

Aphmau nodded. "Yeah, I don't really have much I would want to bring for a tour of the village." She answered with a small smile. How could she be smiling? Today marks the first day of the deal she made with Zane, to marry her in one year.

"You seem cheerful," Laurance pointed out. "Did you forget today marks the start of the year till you have to marry Lord Zane?" He questioned. Quite curious if she could forget something like that so easily.

"No," Aphmau replied, the smile still there. Instead of turning it to a frown she looked up and smiled brighter at Laurance. "It just seems like a nice day today and I've always started my days off positive. Why would I stop now?"

Laurance had nothing to say about this so he just kept quiet. He started walking towards the staircase at the end of the hall, might as well get this over with. Aphmau had noticed that he had started moving and went to catch up with him. He was surprisingly fast, but Aphmau guessed it was a good thing for a guard to be. She couldn't always catch up but she wasn't too far behind. 

Laurance and Aphmau stepped out of the large cobblestone house and Aphmau was amazed at what she saw. She had only seen it in the dark, but in the daylight, it looked like a wonderful village. Even if there was some jerk being the lord of it. In the distance, Aphmau saw a bright pink and white house, it almost looked like it was a dollhouse. 

"You haven't eaten yet have you?" Laurance asked, breaking the semi-silence that there was between them. It was only the birds chirping and leaves rustling in the wind that was the only sounds that they could hear. Well, rather than the villagers.

Aphmau shook her head. "No, you came early. And besides, I don't really think I'd feel comfortable about eating with the lord just yet."

"Well you might want to, you are going to be married to him soon," Laurance pointed out, once again reminding her that she was being forced into a marriage. "Besides that there's a cafe not far from here, we'll pick up some food there. Kawaii~Chan always has the best cakes." Laurance explained.

Aphmau nodded, following Laurance once again. Heading towards the pink house she noticed something, Laurance seemed distant. Not just to her, but to everyone else. She had overheard his and Garroth's conversation, had he really not smiled since Zane had become the lord? Maybe she could change that since she would be living here for the rest of her life. 

"Here we are," Laurance announced once they were in front of the pink house, that had a sign on it. Kawaii~Chan's Maid Cafe

Laurance held the door open, letting Aphmau step inside first. Taking in all the pink. There were few tables and a counter in front of them, where a pink haired cat girl laid her head on, her blacks ears perking up once she saw Laurance and Aphmau.

"Laurance~Kun!" She yelled, cheer in her voice. "You're back! Kawaii~Chan hasn't seen you in years!"

And I'm going to end it there. Hope you guys enjoyed! 

*Right now this is unedited*


More Than Friends? -A Laurmau Story-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora