Coming Home

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(Jack's POV)

It was weird going back home after living with Mark for two years, only occasionally going back home to Ireland for weekends. I had almost forgot how bad the weather was here. I was in the back of the taxi, watching the rain roll down the windows as the grey sky started to darken. I hadn't seen my family properly since last Christmas, so it'll be nice to stay with them for a few months, though I would miss Mark. I plugged my headphones in and turned on my music, letting the beats take over my head.

I had been so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realise that I was nearing my house. Nerves started to rise. 'What if they don't except me? Ugh don't be stupid, Sean!' I shook my head and started gathering my stuff just so I would be a bit more organised. The taxi pulled up outside my parents house, and I was greeted by the familiar site. I got out, paid the driver and got everything. He drove away and left me standing in the dreary weather, it was oddly soothing. I picked everything up, with great difficulty of course, and headed to the door. Before I could knock on the door, it was opened and I was greeted with a warm smile.

"Jack!" my dad said, hugging me around all my bags. He let me in and I put my bags in my room. I walked into the kitchen and found my mum cooking something. She turned around and smiled.

"Jack it's so good to see you again!" she said. She came up and hugged me, which I returned. The familiar smell of my mothers cooking brought back so many good memories. I let go of her and she went back to cooking. "How's you and Mark? Hope he isn't bothered with you coming home" she said.

"He's fine with it, in fact he's going to visit his family for a few weeks while I'm here, so he's leaving the house to Matt and Ryan and the dogs" I said. She nodded.

" How has it been?" she asked.

" It's been good, as you can see, I have slight colour to my skin now" I joked. She laughed. She then turned around to look at me.

"It's so good to finally have you back home for more than a few days, you going to be seeing friends while here?" she said. I nodded. " Jack, why don't you go and unpack? Dinners going to be a slight while" she said.

"Okay ma" I said and went to my room to unpack. When I got there my phone buzzed from a message. It was Mark:

Heya, hope you've got there safely! Miss you already and say hi to your family for me x

I smiled, he was adorable. I started to text back:

Hello! I just arrived about 15 mins ago, and I miss you too x

Not many people knew about our relationship. Only my mum, Marks mum, Matt, Ryan and Felix. They were all fine with it. I unpacked everything and sat on my bed. Everything felt slightly nostalgic. Nothing had been moved since I had moved away, because when I stayed for weekends I always stayed in hotels, so nothing in my room had been touched. I smiled and looked around, memories flooding my head again.

I think I must have be sat down for at least half an hour because when I looked outside, it was pitch black. My phone buzzed again. Mark:

I miss your hugs and kisses :( x

I aw'ed at his text and texted back;

I miss your hugs and kisses too, ya doof x

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