"I Miss You"

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(Marks POV)

After editing my last video, I sighed and got up. I looked at the time, it was 4:38am. Finally, I could sleep. I got changed and turned off all the lights then got into bed. I closed my eyes and started to drift off. As if on queue, my phone lit up and started to vibrate. I groaned and looked over. I picked it up and saw it was Jack calling. He was in Ireland right now, visiting family. I pressed the button.

"Hey bubs" I said, groggily. I heard his breath shake. This instantly got me worried.

"Hey Mark... Did I wake you?" he said quietly, his voice shaking.

"No, no you didn't. What's up? It must be evening there" I said. He sighed.

"It is Mark. Promise me you wont laugh at me if I tell you?" he asked. I nodded, then realised he couldn't see.

"Of course I wont! go ahead " I reassured him.

"I miss you" he said quietly. I could hear the sadness in his voice. My heart broke.

"Awh Jack, I miss you to. It won't be long till you're back. Don't worry" I said. 

"I know, I just can't help thinking that you'll find someone better" he sniffed. My heart dropped. He thinks he's not good enough for me? If anything, it was the other way around.

"Jack, listen to me. I will never find anyone like you, because you are amazing. Please don't put yourself down" I begged. Then I had a thought. "Hang on a minute, I'm ending the call but I'll text you something" I said. 

"Okay, love you" he said. I smiled.

"Love you to" I said and ended the call. I quickly went to texts and went to Jacks. I took a selfie (Picture above ) and sent it to Jack.

Me: Have my face for now, until you come back, then you can have more ;) xxx

Jackaboy x : MARK! xxx

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