There Are Four Types of People...

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Chapter 3


There Are Four Types of People...

The second we exited the room and the door closed behind us, we erupted into chatter. I could barely make out what everyone was trying to say, but I thought I heard Aaron mention a gun, Parker reciting some compute code, and Sami saying something about 'minivan' and 'unfair'.

"Hey! HEY! Quiet down you four, my goodness!" Colette had emerged from the room. "I have to go—I still have to teach the morning class—but I highly suggest you leave soon. I'll be busy, but if you have any questions, do not hesitate to call me. I can't guarantee I'll answer, but I'll call you back," she paused, a strange expression on her face. It wasn't brisk or tough like usual, but softer and it made her look much younger. She took a deep breath, "I...I'm very proud of you. All of you. It has been a pleasure being your instructor."

There was a long pause. I had never heard Colette say anything like that. It was quite uncharacteristic of her; she was usually so vigorous and tough.

After several dragged out seconds, Sami said, "You make it sound like we're off to go fight to the death or something."

We all laughed, and even Colette smiled. "Well, you do need to be very careful. And for goodness' sake, please, please, do not take unnecessary risks. Well...good luck." And with that, she strode off in the opposite direction.

"As I was saying," began Parker as we started walking towards the elevator to go up to the fourth floor, "I can print out our ID's from my computer using the code to the printer, which is eight-five-five-zero-seven-one-thre—"

"As fascinating as these numbers are," said Sami, "I think we have a more pressing issue."

"Which is?" I asked, expecting it to have something to do with the murders.

"The car, of course! Montgomery gave us that broken down old mini-van. We need to get the key to that brand-new Corvette they got last week."

"Sorry to burst your bubble," I said, "but the car we drive is definitely not a pressing issue at the moment. We need to figure out our ID situation."

"It is relatively simple," said Parker, "I will enter the name of your choosing, the age of your choosing, and we are finished."

"But we still need to figure out what we're going to do for our names and ages," I explained as we rounded a corner.

"And," added Aaron, "we need to find out as much as we can about this school so we can choose the best method for going undercover. We should probably each take a different class or something so spread out better."

We stepped onto the elevator and Parker clicked the button that read 'Level 4'. I looked over at Sami, who was, much to my surprise, on her phone. I looked closer and saw she was on Instagram. Aaron was looking at Sami too, clearly annoyed.

"Sami. Hey—Sami!" He said and she glanced up at him.


"Not that your social life shouldn't take top priority in all situations, but we need you to stay focused," Aaron said.

"I'm trying to look up the students who go to Elvira to get the demographics of the social groups, but I'm having a real hard time with you badgering me," Sami snapped without looking up from her phone, "Seriously, just because you're the leader or whatever does not mean we have to listen to you."

For a second, it looked as though Aaron was going to retort, but I quickly said to him in Russian (a language he and I both speak, but Sami and Parker don't), "Don't go pushing her buttons. You wouldn't want her on your bad side before we leave."

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