The Plan

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Recap: We left off with Meredith (undercover as Taylor) being inside Elvira High and talking to the seniors, including Veronica (the queenbee), Alex (who was Jessica's boyfriend), Daniel (Veronica's boyfriend), Ashley (Veronica's gossipy friend), Luke (Ashley's boyfriend), Jack (the guy who was dating a girl named Elise before he broke up with her to date Andrea), Andrea (another girl in the popular group), Ms. Cwakenbush (the Spanish teacher who get's off topic) and Ms. Avare (the mean Biology teacher). That's all the characters from the last's been a while and this chapter may be confusing if you forgot. Thanks so much for your patience!!

Chapter 7


The Plan

"You're going to WHAT?" shouted Sami.

"Shh, keep your voice down!" I said in a low voice.

We were standing in the girls bathroom, discussing my plan to finally get the other popular kids to talk. All the seniors were still in study hall, but the bell was going to ring soon. After almost an hour of talking with Veronica and her group, I realized that most of the others didn't quite know what to think of me yet, Veronica included. I needed to establish myself as a part of the group, and only then will I be able to get some answers out of them. I texted Sami telling her to meet me in this bathroom so I could tell her the plan I came up with.

"Look," Sami said, her voice a few notches quieter than before, "are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Yes," I affirmed. "I mean, this is the most effective. It'll give me their trust and give me plenty of opportunities to investigate Alex, who, by the way, I have now put at the top of the suspect list."

"Why is he at the top?" Sami asked.

"First of all, just from talking to him and his friends, apparently he and Jessica had a fight the night before she was killed. And—get this—he's the student body president and he has a key to the entire school. Isn't that worth looking into?" When I found out that he had a key to the entire school, a very large red flag went up. Also, how stupid could the school be to give a student a master key?

"Well, yes, but doesn't that seem more dangerous? What you're saying—"

"Is no more dangerous than what we're already doing. I'm fine with it and it could help us get through this faster. It makes the most sense." I said firmly.

"But there's a big difference between talking to a potential killer and dating one! And is Alex even looking for a girlfriend? I mean, Jessica died on Monday," Sami protested.

I rolled my eyes. "Trust me, he's not going to have any reservations with me becoming his girlfriend. I talked to him for about a minute and he was already flirting. He's a total player."

"So...what, are you just going to ask him out?" Sami asked skeptically.

"Me? No, I'll let him. But in the hour that I had study hall with him, he asked a girl out on a dare so I don't think that should be an issue," I said with a disgusted voice.

Sami looked incredulous. "He asked a girl out on a dare?"

"Yep. And get this, she said yes, then he told her that he was kidding." The look of embarrassment and disappointment on her face made me so mad I just wanted to punch something (or someone).

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