"...Who's the new chick?!"

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Jun hopped onto her moped that she got from the hospital for her birthday and her release from rehab.
She parked her moped, in front of the dilapidated swim club building, the memories of watching swimming tournaments flooding back into her mind.

"Ah, Nagisa!" Jun yelled, drawing the magenta-eyed boy's attention, "I'm here!"

Nagisa ran towards the girl, the cool wind blowing back his hair. He stopped in front of Jun, allowing her to admire his shota-like features up close.

Nagisa's amber locks framed his face, his big magenta eyes blinking quickly. He brought his hands upwards, fiddling with his tie.

"NICE MOPED!" He yelled, placing his hands on jun's shoulders, shaking her rapidly.

Her face flushed, making Jun feel a tad delirious, "Yeah."

"I wanna go on!" He smiled, pulling Jun towards the deep crimson vehicle.

Nagisa skipped to her moped, hopping onto the seat cutely. Jun explained to him the basics of operating the vehicle, sitting on the same seat behind him.

She produced a white helmet and placed it on Nagisa's head. Jun tied her waist-length hair in a messy bun, making sure it didn't flap in the breeze.

He revved up the engine, the moped speeding in the direction of the two figures that Jun recognized as Haru and Makoto.

"BRAKE! BRAKE!" Jun screamed, reaching past Nagisa, aiming for the brake handle. Her hand latched onto it, pressing down on the grip.

The moped skidded to a stop, a screeching being emitted from the metal.
Jun eagerly flung herself off the vehicle, her feet landing on the ground with a thump. Jun's heart raced, the beat irregular and wild.

"Nagisa!" Jun announced, stamping my foot on the gravel "You are never driving my moped again, understand?"

Nagisa slid off the leather seat, whipping off the helmet. "Understood..."

Jun flinched, her legs giving out under her, slipping to the ground. Her sakura-coloured spill of hair falling out of the bun. Jun's vision blurred as it all faded to black.

Nagisa POV

My body cringed as I watched Jun-chan's small frame fall to the ground, immediately rushing to her side.
I heaved her figure onto my back, carrying her into the building, following Mako-chan and Haru-chan.

Haru-chan's flashlight illuminated the darkness allowing us to see where we were headed. I felt Jun-chan's hair brush against my shoulders, the silken tresses tickling my arms.

"Nagisa," Jun-chan mumbled, waking up from her dormancy, "where are we? In the old swim club?"

"Yep!" I responded, a feeling of happiness now present in my gait.

Jun-chan hopped off my back, stumbling a bit afterward, "Do you hear that? Footsteps?"

"Ah, is that-?!" Mako-chan exclaimed, his face blanching at the thought of a ghost approaching.


A 'SNAP' was heard, the sound coming from the strap of a snap-back hat worn by a mysterious figure whose face was concealed

The trio of boys were taken aback at who the person was... The 'Rin' that was their friend who left for Australia.
They all let out gasps, the shock evident on their ashen faces.

"Yo," came the tedious reply.

Nagisa's eyes widened as he enveloped Rin in a hug, "YOU'RE BACK!"

Nagisa babbled on about fate as Rin looked at Haru and Jun deep in the eyes, "Haru... Hanging out with these losers still? And who's this new chick?!"

"W-what are you talking about?" Makoto questioned, looking at Haru who didn't answer his question.

"So? Have you learned anything?" Haru retorted, taunting the burgundy-haired male.

"How about I show you?"

Sitting on the cold, tile floor, I watched Rin-san and Nanase-sempai preparing for their race.
I sighed once more at their daftness, there wasn't any water in the pool.

My eyes drifted off to the ceiling as they began the countdown, only to be stopped by Makoto-sempai stating the obvious.

Rin-san clicked his tongue, clearly annoyed about not racing Haru-sempai in a swimming match. He picked up his shirt of the ground, throwing over his shoulder, "We're you guys looking for this?"

"Ah, our trophy!" Nagisa cried.

Rin-san waved it around temptingly, "I don't need it anymore."

He let go of the light-blue, spiral-esque statuette, the prize falling to the ground. My eyes widened in shock, how could he do that? I saw the picture in the common room, the only one who looked like a baka was Haru-sempai, his face scowling and all... But...

Rin walked away, the sounds of his footsteps fading into nothing.

lUnCh TiMe~ the next day.

Jun walked with Nagisa from their classroom to the grassy area where Makoto and Haru were waiting.

"Nagisa, aren't we all supposed to meet at the Staff room later?" she asked, cocking her head to the right, the bento she had made for herself safe in her hands.

"Oh, yeah~" he chimed, rubbing the back of his neck, "Want another piggy-back?"

"A-another?!" Jun gasped, stepping backwards, "Have you really been doing that a lot?"

Nagisa smiled sheepishly, forcing a laugh.The pair sat down on the grass with the other two, laughing about their old swim team habits.

"Come on," Jun whined, pulling Haru up from his reclined position on the grass, "I don't want to get in anymore trouble with the teacher~!"


Jun sighed as the teacher lectured them about the dangers of tresspassing. Her ears tuned out the sound, preferring to listen to the other professors' chattering.
Jun snapped out of a trance when Ama-sensei started talking.

".... Blah blah..." Ama-sensei's words turned into mush by the time they reached everyone's ears, "... Ne~?"

Jun turned sideways, getting a better view of Ama-sensei, who blanched, seeing that no one understood what she had just said.


So guys! I really hope you like this chapter! I'm really nervous about writing for the FREE!dom...
(Free! Fandom)

This is because there are only about 268 stories for Free! On Fanfiction as of today, the 30/7/13 ... I'm kind of worried I'll get some stuff wrong... Sorry if anything turns out like that.

So, umm... Vote, Add...

Or maybe even FAN?!

Nah, it's okay, it's only if you want to.

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