Stuck in an Elevator.

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Jun froze, the surprise of someone being there momentarily shocked her. She scrambled up the steps slowly, having difficulty with the last one.

Jun quickly rushed as fast as she could and dried herself with a towel, slipping on her clothes. She felt a shiver run down her spine due to the slightly damp clothes sticking to her body.

She hid behind a potted plant, eyeing a shadow on the other side of the pool.

Makoto, Nagisa and Haru stopped playing, all turning their heads, also looking at the person who was in front of them. Rin.

"Free." Haru mumbled, rising up out of the seemingly sparkly water*, "Did you forget? I said I only swim freestyle."

Haru got out of the pool, one leg at a time, thinking, 'Three years left until I'm ordinary, I suppose it won't hurt to wait a while longer.'

"You said you'd show me something that I've never seen before," he smirked, flicking his hair- like a certain Canadian pop star. "I've forgotten what was it that I saw."

The pair of rivals stood there, gazing deeply into each others' eyes. Jun wrapped her towel around her head, drying her hair. She scooted closer to the end of the pool where everyone was, ducking to the bleachers.

Jun watched Haru and Rin placed their feet on the stand, the latter whipping his shirt off.

(A/N: Rin fangirls? Come and get it!)

They placed their goggles on, the pair having small talk. Jun, being the semi-antisocial person she was, crept up to the side of the pool, where Nagisa was getting closer to.

"Psst..." Jun whispered, "Nagisa, I'm gonna leave now, it looks pretty serious."

"Haha, Jun-chan, it sounds like you're talking about a gang fight," Nagisa compared, thinking of the situation in his head, "but... Okay! See ya tomorrow!"

Jun snuck out the glass double doors, pushing down on the the metal handle. The breeze tickled her skin, chilling Jun to the bone.

She placed her keys in her moped, driving back to her apartment building.

She flicked the wet towel off Jun's head, her rose locks no longer dripping of aqueous fluid. Jun jumped off her the vehicle, tripping on nothing, falling to the ground.

A pain shot up Jun's legs, crippling her, restricting her movement to the minimum. She tried to stand up, grabbing her stuff and limped to the elevator.

"Need some help?" A voice called out, "I could give you a hand."

"Ah, it's okay, Minato-kun," Jun faux smiled, waving a hand, "I'm- ah!"

Jun fell down, landing on her butt, the freezing cement on the ground sapping the warmth from her body.

"Haha, I'm pretty sure you need some help," the brunette chuckled, his honey-like voice echoing in the parking lot. Minato wrapped his arm around Jun's shoulder, helping her walk into the elevator.

"So, how are you doing?" Jun asked, making small talk, "Is your mother doing well?"

Minato rubbed the back of his neck, "Ah, she's taking pops' death pretty hard, well, so am I." He twiddled his thumbs, "And you? What has my little cous- what the?!"

The elevator halted. Darkness loomed over the both of them.

"Looks like we're trapped, got any signal?"

Jun's eyes lit up as she showed her phone to Minato, "One bar!!"

She typed in Nagisa's number, with the latter picking up on the third ring.

"Nagisa! Trapped in the elevator in my apartment building! Help! Call the police or whatever!"

The line went dead.


Nagisa typed in 119**, pulling on his clothes, buttoning up his shirt. "Yes, there is an emergency, there is a girl trapped in an elevator at (making a random address up~)!"

The man on the other side of the line, cleared his throat, "I'll get someone to save her."

Nagisa sighed, his heart racing, the beats gradually slowed down as Rin and Haru swam.


A flurry of thoughts pranced through Nagisa's mind, filling him with feelings of worry, anger and self-blame.

'I should've walked her home!' Nagisa mentally scolded himself, slapping his forehead.



Minato-kun and I sparked up conversation, I hadn't seen him in years.

We both had losses in the past year, my comatose parents were taken off of life support, the doctors seeing no possibility of them regaining consciousness.

Minato's father had died, stabbed brutally in an alley, "a mugging gone wrong," the police'd always say.

"You still playing pokemon?" I asked, rubbing the nape of my neck awkwardly. "I am-...I mean... "

"Oh yeah!" Minato's hazel eyes lit up brightly, a twinkle appearing in them, "I'm so excited for X and Y!"

He clasped my hands, talking about the many new features in the new games. "I'd really hate it if Fennekin turns into fire/fighting!"

A low chuckle escaped my lips, "You are my cousin after all."

The conversation was cut short by the sound of scraping behind the door, like a malicious force was trying to claw it's way in.

I shoved Minato behind me, as the door opened to reveal a stream of bright red and blue light. The luminescence blinded Minato and I momentarily, a hand pierced the white and reached out to me.

"Jun-chan!!" A boy squeaked, turning out to be Nagisa, who had run all the way to my building, "You're oka- Who's this?"

His gaze fixated on Minato-kun, who was back-hugging me.

"I'm Jun's cousin, Itami Minato!" He smiled, holding out his hand, expecting a handshake from Nagisa, who gladly accepted it. "Nice to meet you!"


*hehe, anime effects joke.

**Japan's emergency number.

Minna! Thanks for reading my story!

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