"Pretty girls, really?"

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Nagisa POV

I sighed in relief, 'Just a cousin, just a cousin." I repeated in my mind, exhaling.

Jun wrapped me in a tender embrace, her arms intertwining around my neck.

"You came to save me!" Jun beamed, cupping my hands, "Thanks so much!"

My face flushed a bit as she twirled her light rose coloured hair with her index finger. Jun let out a sigh, her pink lips parting.

"I didn't think it would take long," I beamed, ruffling her hair, making sure she was alright. "We were lucky with the signal!" My hands made a "peace" sign.

"Yep! We were!" She smiled back, walking to the front of the building with Minato, to enter their respective apartments through the lobby. "Would you like to stay the night? Minato-kun's staying with me tonight too, his mom is out working."

I tilted my head forward and then backward, nodding slightly. As we entered the lobby, a blast of cold air greeted us, chilling my body.


The trio entered an elevator- that wasn't a death trap- and ascended up the building slowly. A soft chime was audible, coming from the small speakers. Nagisa glanced at Jun using the mirror on the elevator wall, noting her glasslike gaze.

She shuffled her feet, twiddling her thumbs, pain surging through her legs, like waves crashing upon a shore. The elevator doors opened, letting the group walk out slowly, heading for Jun's door.

"Here it is," Jun said, her voice dripping with well hidden pain, "I'll fetch some extra pillows, where will you guys sleep?"

"I'll stay with you~!" Minato jumped, fist pumping. "Your boyfriend doesn't seem to be... Trustworthy enough."

Scarlet blush coated Nagisa and Jun's cheeks, causing them both to stutter.

"W-we're... Not together!" They shouted, Jun spinning around in a circle while Nagisa jumped up and down on the spot.

Minato just laughed, deciding into join the pairs dance, hopping on one leg. Jun felt a vein pop on her forehead, sighing loudly.

Glancing at the wall clock, Jun's eyes widened, "Kyaaah! It's still early!"

Nagisa tilted his head, stepping back in confusion, "11 pm is early?"

"Well, for nee-chan- anything before 3 in the morning is early!" Minato piped up, returning to a normal stance, placing both feet on the ground.

Nagisa yawned, pointing at his shirt, "Minato-chan? Can I borrow some clothes? I can't really sleep in my uniform."

"Okay- wait, 'CHAN?!'" Minato fumed.


Locking the bathroom door, Jun exhaled, breathing in the faint smell of the lavender bar soap on the soap tray. She undressed herself, turning the knob for the hot and cold water, rinsing the chlorine off her petite figure.

She scrubbed a pink shampoo into her hair, washing the chlorine out.

Jun finished taking her shower, wrapping red towels around her head and body. She slipped off her towel, now putting on her clothes she had brought in with her- a black oversized t-shirt and flannel pants.

Removing the crimson-coloured cloth from her head, she turned on her hair dryer, the warm breeze of air from it doing what it was supposed to.

Jun exited the bathroom to stumble upon a scene which one would find similar to chaos.

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