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"Ah, yeah... a tad.." Minato smiled, rubbing the back of his neck.

Jun squinted her eyes, the sun suddenly deciding to be a jerk, directing its rays at her face. She was suddenly reminded of the sight of a crackling fire, which made her frown.

Beads of cold sweat cascaded down her face, Jun's mind taking to her a place filled with fire.


The red fierce tongues lapped up the oxygen, causing the thirteen year old Jun to panic, her hands flying to the belt buckle. It wouldn't budge. She slipped under the boiling strap, her shorts almost getting caught in the restraint.

Jun's heart sank as she saw her brother unconscious next to her, a pained grimace on his face. Her parents weren't lucky enough, the lightning that struck the car hit a tree which collapsed on top of the front half of the car.

"It's you...or me." Jun wheezed, the lack of air getting to her, "I'm sorry. Satsuki."

She grabbed at one of her boots, slamming the tinted window glass with the hard plastic heel. Jun cracked the glass, smashing the crack to make a hole. Bits of glass had flung themselves into her legs, making small cuts and punctures in her skin.

She cringed with the pain, her legs already crippled with the force used by the car to collide with the tree. Jun tapped at the glass, desperately trying to make a hole big enough for her body to fit through.

Jun succeeded just a little too late, the fiery tongues had now fixated their attention on Jun. The fire licked at her legs, causing her to shriek with agony.

She lifted herself up, squishing herself through the dangerous and pointed cavity in the glass, stumbling on the gravelly asphalt.

"I could've saved... Him," Jun uttered, the words deciding to drop out of her mouth. "Satsuki!!!!!"

Jun slumped to the ground, her cuts stinging, her eyes watering. She bawled her eyes out, wishing that she could drag her brother out of the flaming wreck.

A few minutes passed by, Jun's cries - and the flames- dying down, she reached in her pockets, seeing if anything was inside.

Her eyes widened, Jun pulling out her phone.

She punched in the numbers 119, her body quaking. Jun breathlessly babbling out words before the word fading to black.


The world returned to normal for Jun, her head rested on the door of a cab. A headache rushed to her brain, the pain danced the tango in her mind. She twiddled her thumbs, Jun's hand reaching her temples. Massaging her forehead lightly, Jun sighed, causing Minato to look at her with concern.

"Are... You doing okay?" Minato asked, his hands patting Jun's head. "You seem a bit distraught."

"....Nah, I'm okay."


The pair hopped out of the cab quickly, Jun handing out the payment to the driver. "Sorry for the trouble!"

Minato grabbed Jun's hand, dragging her to the Music Store. "Hey!!!! Look!" Minato shouted, pointing at the store's wall, "Your favourite band's album is out today!!!"


Jun's POV

I perked up, dashing inside the store, the familiar scent of cinnamon filling my nostrils. My hand swiped a copy of the cd, staring at the album art.

"Ah, ___ fan?" The clerk smiled, clasping her hands. "You speak Korean?"

I nodded, squealing a bit as my hand shoved the twenty dollar note into the clerk's hand, apologising for the trouble.

The lady waved her hand, dropping my change in my hand, the silver coins twinkling and jingling in my hand.

The lady hummed as she placed the the CD case in a lavender plastic bag, placing it on the table as she slinked herself back to the storeroom.

I hooked the bag's handle around my elbow, looking for an album I wanted a physical copy of.

My face reddened in anger when I found out they didn't have it, making me have mixed emotions about the trip.

Minato-kun was waiting outside, holding a crepe in each hand.

A smile wriggled its way on my face. "Both!? For me?" I placed a hand on my mouth in mock shock.

Minato-kun chuckled, handing one over to me, the creamy chocolate flavour filling my mouth. "Remember when m- my mother and I used to take you along with us to buy crepes and ice cream?"

Minato laughed wholeheartedly, his sing-song voice ringing through the air, "Yeah, I was also caught stealing that mechanical pencil that day."

I blushed, the warm feeling of Minato's hand on my head enveloping me as he ruffled my hair- and beanie. "It was for me," I explained, still beaming, "I still have it ya know? It's in my pencil case."


Minato and I raced back upstairs to the "safe" elevator, the lobby being filled with strange people in alien/sci-fi costumes. I slumped on the elevator floor, bursting into a fit of laughter.

"Did you.... see the guy with.... the bra?" Minato managed to wheeze inbetween laughs.

"Nah!" I giggled, my hand resting on my side, "That was a woman!"

The lifts' doors opened suddenly, as I rose back up, exiting the elevator, I waved a cautious hand at Minato as we went our separate ways.

I stuck my keys into the lock, successfully turning the key with a click. My hand took hold of my beanie, whipping it off my head, tossing it onto the chair. My body fell backwards, my mind racing, mostly recounting the day with Minato.

I, again, rubbed my temples, the headache resurfacing.

"Nagisa!" I blurted out, popping my phone out, typing in his number. Picking up on the third ring, his honey coated voice said, "Sora-tan~!"

"Hey~" I replied, "I heard that you're starting a swim club!"

"Yeah! Gou-chan just joined!" Nagisa chimed, his bubbly tone peeking through, "So, now, we're an official club! She's our manager!"

"But don't you need another swimmer then?" I cocked my head to the side, thinking of the ocean.

"Ah..." He paused, like a sudden wave of realisation crashed on top of him, "Oh yeah."


So.... Sorry for the bad chapter, I'm not really confident about this one...

So, please: VOTE, ADD, COMMENT!


I just- I love them!

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