"Math, it can go crawl in a ditch."

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The pair talked on the phone for a while, exchanging jokes and the like until the sun came down. Jun sat down on her bed, cross-legged, looking through her window, the colours of the sky merging into a beautiful orange.

Jun's pink hair brushed her shoulders, tickling her neck, "I got to go, I have this headache and I want to see you tomorrow-"

"N-no!!!" Her face flushed a vermillion hue as she started stuttering, "T-that's not what I meant!"

"Ooh~" Nagisa purred, the sound of crinkling coming from the other end of the line. The crackling of chips being chewed on evident, "Do you like me that much- haha, we're starting to sound like Haru-chan and Mako-chan!"

Nagisa sang a little goodbye and hung up his cellphone, a chime sounding. Jun sighed, looking down at her hands, a heat rising to her face.

She leapt to her closet, glad to take off her irritating cardigan, bringing a pair of shorts and a camisole to the bathroom.

Jun undressed herself, letting her clothes slip off her frame, quickly changing into her new clothes. Her hand reached for her burgundy hairbrush, stroking her hair with it. She sighed remembering how her mother brushed her hair.

Splitting her locks into sections of three, plaiting them slowly, humming a weird tune with random notes.

Splashing a handful of cold water on her face, Jun sulked back into her bed, wrapping herself like a candy in her blankets. Jun groped her nightstand for her tv remote, getting a grip of the cold, plastic device. Surfing through the channels, her eyes widened at the sight of the anime channel, a hand covering her mouth.

Thrashing her limbs about, Jun fangirled over her recently found obsession- Dangan Ronpa. She repeated pressed the volume button, the current volume not audible enough for her. Her father used to wonder if she was partially deaf... She wasn't... However.

Jun was enamoured by the glowing screen with moving pictures, in love with the cutesy art-style of the anime which hid its dark nature.

Having watched the episode, she yawned, curling herself up like a ball. Jun lost herself to the comfort of sleep.


Jun stretched out her arms, trying to stifle a hearty yawn. She sighed glancing at her phone, the device beeping loudly.

"6 am." Jun mumbled to herself, twirling her hair. Unlocking her phone, she ceased the alarm, she felt as if she snapped the neck if a really annoying bird. A shiver ran down her spine.

Jun pulled out her school uniform, the somewhat cute outfit a bit wrinkled. She slinked to the bathroom, changing into her uniform, tying the spotted pink bow around her neck perfectly.

Jun wielded her brush expertly, ridding knots and tangles out of her sakura tresses.

Taking a barrette from a drawer in her nightstand, Jun clipped her bangs to one side, creating a sideswept look. Deciding to walk to school, Jun took the stairs to the lobby, a bit out of breath.

She stamped her foot, "Screw it."

Jun rode her moped to school, her satchel placed between her feet. Jun parked it in front of the school, locking it twice, once with a padlock and the second time with a number lock. Satisfied with the safety of her vehicle, Jun spun on her heel, stuffing her hands into her pockets, walking on the brick pathway.

"Jun-chan~!" Nagisa chirped, his bubbly voice reaching Jun's ears, "MY LOVE!" He said, in English, waving his hands.

Jun flushed a deep scarlet, turning around to look at the blonde, whose face was just a few centimeters away from Jun's. Nagisa cracked a smile, biting his lip, ruffling Jun's hair.

"Hey! Whatchya having for lunch?" Nagisa pouted, raising one eyebrow.

Jun looked up in thought, "Uhh, I have... Instant ramen?"

Nagisa laughed, Makoto-san and Haru-san suddenly appearing next to him, sort of chuckling as well.

The group split up, Haru and Makoto and Jun and Nagisa, heading for their respective classroom.

Popping up beside Jun, Nagisa linked his arm around hers, skipping to their classroom, whistling a tune, similar to the hit song, "Splash Free."

Jun slid down into her seat, hooking her bag on the hook on the side of the desk. Jun tapped the beat of the catchy song on the wooden surface of the desk.

Nagisa started to scribble down things on a blank piece of paper, a smirk, creeping up onto his face as be did so.



"Huh?" I asked, opening her pencil box, taking out a pen with two charms dangling from the top, "What are you writing?"

"Things about you...gurt." Nagisa stammered, taking a deep breath as he finished the sentence, "You know, how it's sweet and sour at the same time-"

"Oh, okay."

The teacher walked in, his dreaded footsteps, echoing through the hall outside. His shaggy brown hair framing his angular face, his weathered hands pushing up his glasses.

"Arghh..." I groaned, whispering to Nagisa, "Math, it can go crawl in a ditch."

"Amen," he responded.

We flipped to the page on algebra, my mind instantly remembering everything we did in middle school. I placed my elbow onto my desk, resting my head on my hand. My eyes drifted to the world outside.

"ITAMI-SAN!" The teacher shouted, making my head turn in his direction.

"What is (BLAH X Y Z BLAH) Blah?"

I answered the question easily, my teacher, stepping back in awe. I crossed my arms, plunking myself back down in my seat, a smug expression on my face. My pride fizzled as I continued to gaze out the window.

The lesson ended, students preparing their books for English.

(A/N: Haha, they're Japanese... Remember?)


Lunchtime rolled around quickly, my eyelids suddenly becoming heavier, I dozed off for the first ten minutes and I awoke to the sight of Nagisa eating my instant ramen.

"Oh! Hey! *munch* I'm happy you woke-"

He was interrupted by the sound of my fist on his face.


OH MY GOD, I haven't been on in like a few months...

I'm so sorry... Hope you enjoy this chapter!

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