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Tugging on Makoto's sleeve, Jun joined Makoto and Nagisa on their small quest to find Matsuoka Rin's shoe locker. If he attended Iwatobi High... That is.

Jun's eyes scanned the multitude of shoe lockers, finding nothing related to who the trio were searching for.

"Minna!" Makoto shouted, beckoning for them to come over, "Ah- it's not Rin, it says 'Gou'..."

Makoto tapped his chin, wracking his brain for any information on that person, "Ah! It's Rin's sister!"


The bell rang, the universal cue for the students to head back to class. Jun and Nagisa made it to their classroom early, a chorus of melancholic sighs welcoming the pair.

Feeling a wave of nausea strike her, Jun hobbled to her desk, rubbing her aching temples. Jun let out a groan that hinted at her massive headache.

"Jun-san!" Gou called out, heading to Jun's side, "Are you okay?"

She brought her lips closer to Jun's ear whispering the question, "Cramps or migraine?"

A sigh escaped Jun's lips. "Nah, I just feel unwell-"

"Unwell!?" Ama-sensei yelled, popping her head out through the door, "Hurry! Pack your bag! Women bear the most pain of the two genders! I'll write you a note!"

Jun sighed dramatically, gaining laughs and chuckles. She stuffed her belongings in her satchel, slinging the heavy thing over her shoulder.

'Why...?' Jun thought, looking at her shoes, '...! Did the teachers find out?!'

"I'll walk her out!" Nagisa announced, leading Jun out of the classroom, earning a pat on the head from Ama-sensei.

He hooked his arm around Jun's, skipping towards the front gates, giving her a squeeze.

"Get well soon! I'll visit you after school okay?" Nagisa chimed, a twinkle in his eyes.

Jun nodded, seeing Nagisa's figure fading away as he ran back to class.

Her eyes widened as she suddenly exploded into a fit of coughs. She hopped on her moped, which she had driven to school, and drove away.

She parked it in the building's parking lot and headed to the elevator, swiping her key card. Jun leaned against the wall of the steel box as it made its ascent.

The doors slid apart, allowing Jun entry into the hallway. She ran her hand across the creamy white wallpaper, stopping in front of her door. Jun sighed again, stepping into her semi-large studio apartment, noting once more the fading light blue walls.

She collapsed on her crimson bedsheets, tossing her satchel on the spinning chair in front of her desk.

Another frenzy of coughs were released from Jun's mouth, her hand clamping down on it.

She stood up, the coughs ceasing.

Jun pulled her hand away, a scarlet liquid splattered on it. She clenched her bloody hand into a fist, slamming it on the table.


Jun ran to the bathroom, washing her hands, cleansing them of the gore. She splashed cold water on her face, changing into a baggy t-shirt and leggings.

She calmed herself, slapping her pale cheeks.

Jun opened her book bag, rummaging in it, getting out the books she needed for the homework she received in the first four periods of school.


She breezed through the homework, finding that spending time in the hospital actually motivated her to do something productive.

Feeling the same dizziness from an hour ago, Jun decided to sleep, calculating that Nagisa would be here in an hour or two. She rolled her leggings up, finding it too hot as she slipped under the covers.


A loud buzz woke Jun up, making her lug herself to answer the door, "Hello?"

"Hi! Jun-chan-" Nagisa stepped back in shock, a blush coating his whole face, "WOAH! What are you wearing?!"

Jun looked down, remembering she was wearing a long t-shirt and rolled-up leggings, a dark blush dusted on her cheeks.

"Kyaaaa!" Jun squealed, "I-I'm wearing leggings!!!" Jun rolled down her black leggings, turning her back on Nagisa as she did so.

"I-I see... So, how are you feeling?" Nagisa asked, taking off his shoes, acting like that situation never happened.

"I'm okay, the dizziness is all I've got to worry about now," Jun smiled, lying through her teeth, feeling another tear in her heart, which was already in shreds.

"We're going to Samezuka Academy tonight, we've already staked out the place," Nagisa smiled, flicking the television on, surfing through the channels, "We're visiting Rin! Oh, and Haru-chan wants to swim!"

"Ah! Okay, let me just get changed, okay?" Jun told Nagisa, opening her closet.

Jun pulled out a grey one piece swimsuit with a black lace pattern, a black long-sleeved shirt and a pair of denim shorts. She opened the door to the bathroom, getting changed in a hurry.

Jun stepped out of the bathroom, grabbing a towel and wearing the clothes she had chosen. "I'm ready," She chimed, stuffing her phone, wallet and keys in her pockets.

She dragged Nagisa out the door, leaving his bag behind.



We peered through the window, the blue tint making the water appear a beauteous vivid cerulean.

Our group infiltrated the building, picking the lock on the door.

Haru-sempai dived into the water, he was already wearing his swimmers underneath. Nagisa was getting ready to swim when it dawned on me, "Nagisa! You don't have a swimsuit! P-please remember! I'm a girl!"

"Right!" He beamed, leaving his boxers on as he belly-flopped into the water, causing a huge splash.

He pulled Makoto-sempai in, also creating a large splash. My feet dragged me into the corner to change. I jumped into the water, the flowing liquid wrapping me in its chilled embrace. My body lay still, floating around in the pool.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?!"


Another chapter up! So did you guys get my joke in the beginning? I'll give you a clue... "Family."

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Yay! Peace out!

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