Missing you.

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Two years went way too fast, faster than Kenny could ever imagine a divorce became final two years ago when he and Tim hit their 22 year mark in 2012 before their marriage was on the rocks sadly, sadly with not meeting in between it was just best they divorced and still remained freinds. How Kenny didn't know how he still clung on to the freindship of his ex husband who seemed to have gone on okay, two years later he was missing Tim terribly more than anything the islands weren't the same without Tim at all. Nothing, nothing was the same again. Kenny drove himself insane bottles and bottles of rum he went through at the local bar, he never slept and tonighr was one of those nights where he couldn't sleep Tim was on his mind back in Nashville.  Christmas wasn't even the same the last couple years, there was always that longing for his husband. Ex husband. Kenny longed  for him to be by his side every day, to fall asleep he still didn't wana dream without Tim nothing.  The island boy found every excuse to come up with if simply he didn't want to talk about it,  St Johns was his home six months of the year it was home where he was just simply a beach bum un shaven and tanned up where he would sunbath in the hot summer sun. The other half of the year he lived in Nashville home for events or flying in to get the tours going where he spent his months on the road on the bus with Clayton and Wyatt and the gang playing the big Staduims where he felt alive on stage but at the same time incredibly alone under the lights partying with his fans the No Shoes Nation  that's who they were who stood behind him and supported every choice he made espically to start NSR No shoes Radio with a group of his freinds  that seemed to be fitting. What else had he had success in? Selling his own line of rum called Blue Chair bay after his old Blue chair  and the bay he lived in Cinamon bay. Kenny just sat there on the boat, a bottle of rum in his hand stairing out at the ocean as the moon rose out here was him, no phone and social media. Nobody could reach him unless they flew out to St Johns, Tim always was the constant thought on his mind the many songs were about him. Tim. Gone. He felt like Tim just dry errased him from his life since the divorce went through and Tim was able to move on, 27 years of freindship, love and honesty, communication and trust they would have made it closer to 30 if things didn't happen the way they did. And homestly he missed him.

Kenny couldn't even describe the pain that how much pain he was left in when their world bombshelled that they just parted ways and stopped fighting for eachother. He didn't know what the hell happened to them, to the life they had and what he had hoped they had. Kids, he wanted a family with McGraw to father both their children by VIA surrogcy or adoption either way he wanted children. Kenny wasn't getting any younger either time was on his back he needed to get his life in order and to have a baby, have a husband that was missing from his life alot the one thing he craved and couldn't quite get back.

The summer of 2012 was beyond perfect they toured together for the first time sharing the stage together for two hours every single night. Every night on that tour night after night he crawled into Tim's bed  and wrapped himself into those arms that had more  muscle than his petite frame could hold, there were many nights of that and sitting up late playing music, watching TV talkin' trash  wrestling. Deep down Tim and Kenny were true brothers and lovers that was the one thing that got Kenny was how much Tim knew he knew too much to ever talk about kenny behind his back. Kenny's mama Karen worried about her son's health knowing her son wasn't himself, she tried everything under the sun to bring Kenny back to her so she could nuture him, take care of him help him through the heart ache he still was suffering with. Like, Kenny he shut everybody out and kept a guitar and a journal it was more like his own therapest to work through his own greif to healing, what he couldn't understand was how somebody could let him go like that with so much history.  History was what bought them together and had still kept them remanided together for the years he was with Tim untill the marriage ended on terms that needed a break or divorce papers which on mutuak agreement divorce was the choice they made. With regret, Kenny swore up and down he'd never move forward regretting even meeting with their lawyers and signing divorce papers, moving on thats what he regret most.  He was depressed without his side kick, the most important person was the man he loved for twenty plus years kept him going now he only felt he had nothing to go on for besdides fans who were waiting anxiously for tour dates.

When he returned inside the boat from sitting out in the dark he switched on his i phone waiting for the spam of notifactions. Kenny's phone blew up with missed calls from Miranda, Clay, Wyatt and the no shoes clan and his mama but nothing from Tim. Nothing. The island boy from Knoxville packed his bags and sent his mother a message saying he was getting a flight home from the islands to Nashville where he needed to do some unfinished busimess.  The unfinished buisness meant tracking Tim down and hoping he wouldn't be too nervous about lettimg Tim know he was home again in Nashville, this time for personal reasons why he was returning home he prayed the entire time he booked his flight for that morning home. Is everything okay? Karen sent him a text back after reciveing her son's text message he replied the very awnswer that he was fine getting a flight.

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