Ringo told the other lads about the poster.
"and didn't you notice the weird clothes?" he added.
"so you think this is time travelling? because that's ridiculous", Paul replied.
"what else could it be?" Ringo said.
"guys, I want to go back", George said, with tears in his eyes. "where or whenever we are, I want to get away here."
"well, I don't know about you, but I like the fact that here is no Beatlemania", John said and smiled at him. "come on, George, this can be fun!"
all the people who passed them looked at them weirdly. they thought the four boys wearing pyjamas were weirdos.
"I will ask someone when we are, and you will see we time travelled", Ringo said and stepped towards the person who was standing the closest to them.
"can I a-"
"no, I am not going to give you money!" the man interrupted him.
"but I was just going to ask which date it is", Ringo replied.
"February 14th", the man answered and walked away. "those damn wanders!" he mumbled.
"it's February 14th, don't know which year", Ringo told the others.
"February? but it's too warm to be February", George said.
Ringo raised his shoulders. "I thought so too. global warming, maybe?" he suggested.
a tv screen was put on and the four lads looked at it with wide eyes.
was there seriously colour on it? but how? there was some local journal on it. was this seriously Liverpool?
"wow, there happened a lot tonight, really!" John said. his eyed weren't good at all, but he did see that everything was completely different.
"people are staring at us, maybe we should get some clothes", George mumbled.
"I'm afraid that we won't even be able to find our own house", Paul replied.
George started panicking.
"but, ofcourse, we can try", Paul added and they headed home.

they barely recognized their own house.
"does anyone have a key?" Paul asked.
the other boys shook their heads.
"fine, we have to break in to our own house", he added and broke a window.
inside a voice started screaming. there was someone in their house!!
they came inside through the window and faced a woman who was holding a candlestick.
they went outside quickly, but the quick look they had in their house was weird. it seemed like it wasn't their house anymore. all their things had been gone and replaced by different things.
"what are we going to do now?" George asked.
"we will buy some clothes and figure this all out", Paul replied.

the people in the clothing store looked at the four boys who were wearing pyjamas weirdly.
they looked at all the clothes surprised and with wide eyes. it was so different!!
they all grabbed something and went to pay for it.
no money!!
a girl who was already watching them for a while walked towards them.
"I will buy you the clothes you need", she said.
the lads looked at eachother.
"uhh... thank you?"
she smiled and paid for it.
"no problem." she started walking away.
"wait, miss, can I ask you something?" Ringo said and grabbed her arm.
she turned around. "sure."
"uhh... which year is it?"
she looked at him weirdly. "2016 ofcourse."

the Fab Four in FutureWhere stories live. Discover now