Chapter seven - This is who I am

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That day was nothing out of the ordinary. Hinata took a math test in the afternoon and actually succeeded, he was so happy about it he danced out of the classroom and tripped over his own feet and got a bruise on his knee. He limped to his locker.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the school, Kageyama sat and doodled feathers and hairstyles on the back of his history book in history class. He did not give two fucks about all the old kings who reined a thousand years ago, why should he? He drew Hinatas spiky hair and shadowed it so much his fingers went black.

Hinatas' last lesson ended and he couldn't wait to go see Kageyama again. He jumped (as good as his bad knee allowed) all the way down to Kageyamas locker only to find..

"No Kageyama?" Hinata thought out loud and looked around, no Kageyama was to be seen.

Hinata waited impatiently a minute until Kageyama turned around the corner and Hinata flew right in his arms.

"I thought you died!" Hinata shouted dramatically in his chest, sounding like the worried little orange he was, just for fun of course.

"I went to the bathroom, geez" Kageyama said and took a light grip in Hinatas hair and pushed him slightly away from him. Hinata noticed that he was sweaty and panting a bit.

"I waited for you. For fifteen minutes. What were you doing in there?" Hinata said with a judging look.

"I ran.. up the-uh-stairs, that's why it took so long" Kageyama said and ran his fingers through his hair.

"What stairs? The toilet is right there?" Hinata said and pointed down the hallway.

"Uhh.. Why were you waiting for me anyway?" Kageyama said to change the subject.

"I wanted to invite you for dinner at my place, my parent's idea actually! We could watch a movie. Netflix maybe, and you know" Hinatas expression changed.


Hinata stood up and gave Kageyama a determined look, dropping all the hints for his lover to pick up (which is way out of character, especially for him)

"Oh.. Um that sounds good" Kageyama got his hopes almost too high for the night.

"Great! Let's go then!" Hinata said and clung to Kageyamas arm.

"Stop.." Kageyama yanked his arm back from the red-haired hungry hug-shark, he was still a bit shy about this 'boyfriend' thing at school. Understandably.

"Oh come one Kags, you like it" Hinata said and hugged it tighter, Kageyama felt the shorter boy against his arm, he didn't want to do anything to stop him, because he did like it. Kageyama went with it but tried to look as discreet as possible. Something about it felt so wrong, yet in a way so right.


They walked hand in hand as they used to on the sunny schoolyard out of the school area, Kageyama constantly looking over his shoulder. They decided to stop for ice cream while they waited for Hinatas' mom to pick them up as she promised in a text to her son.

Hinata's house wasn't that far away from the school but Hinatas mom was already close in the area, she was picking up Natsu from her pre-school and driving her to her flute lesson.

Hinata licked on his vanilla ice cream with his tiny pink tongue, Kageyama was eating his chocolate one in big bites. Before they knew it, Hinata's mom's car came in sight and the boys got inside when it slowed down for them.

"Hi boys! Had a good day at school?" She said happily.

"Who is that?" Natsu said and pointed at Kageyama with her little finger and a curious look on her face.

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