Chapter Thirteen - Heavy rain

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Kageyama was just in his hands, but he was sliding away again. Hinata felt Kageyama getting more distant as he walked further away, one foot in front of the other. But Hinata was not going to let him go, not one more time...

Hinata heard Kageyama starting to run, but Hinata was not slow to catch up. Kageyama noticed him behind and ran faster. He was doing anything to not look him in the eyes, he just couldn't. He didn't deserve it.

"Kageyama! Don't run, please!" Hinata shouted as he chased him down the country road. It felt weird playing this inappropriate game of tag in the middle of the night...

Kageyama suddenly stopped. They found themselves at the top of a hill, just as the sky opened and rain soaked them. Hinata caught up and stopped a few meters away from the raven, still a little afraid to touch him. They stood there looking out over the meadows that never seemed to end, Kageyama turning around with tears in his eyes. For the first time in, what felt like ever, he actually met Hinatas desperate eyes. He looked like a mess.

"Why can't you get it through your thick little head?" Kageyama said so quietly he barely even heard himself "I did something terrible. Something illegal!" He raised his voice and looked up and forced the tears to stay behind his eyelids.

"I don't care" Hinata came closer "It doesn't matter I'm not telling anyone... By the way, you really thought I was asleep?"

They exchanged looks and Hinata couldn't resist chuckling a little. Kageyama looked like a tornado just swept through inside his head.

"Wait so you-"

"I was awake the whole time and I could have told you to stop if I wanted to" He booped Kageyamas nose "But I didn't"

"But that's so weird, why didn't you just tell me you weren't sleeping? Isn't that a weird thing to fake?" Kageyama said and raised an eyebrow, poor thing had his whole view changed.

"Oh, I'm weird? Well, I didn't get the idea to strip my boyfriend and fuck him in his sleep" Hinata said jokingly. Kageyama was surprised at his choice of words, Hinata really wasn't the type to swear. 

Everything he was hearing was so weird, he had painted a perfect picture in his head about how he would go to prison or at least that the police would know and that he had brought shame on his entire family. 

"Fair point. But I couldn't do anything about it, I guess I was so horny I lost control of myself" Kageyama admitted very embarrassed and sat down in the middle of the road.

"But still. It was very irresponsible-"

"I know! Ugh, I feel so, bad for it!" Kageyama cut him off and hid his face in his palms.

"But you can't just run away! You're crazy! Did I mention your family called the police?" Hinata spouted and sat down next to him on the cold wet gravel road.

"I didn't know what I was thinking. Will you forgive me?" Kageyama said and locked his hand in Hinata's, who now also sat on the dirty ground.

"If you come back home" Hinata answered and leaned to his shoulder. "I had no idea you sang by the way" He looked up at his now blushing boyfriend.

"I don't, I just.. Sometimes when I'm alone or when I have a lot of things on my mind... I sing" He said shamefully. "Lately I've sung a lot when I.." He stopped mid sentence.

"You can't just stop!" Hinata said and motioned for him to continue.

"I guess when I'm... thinking about... you?" Kageyama admitted and Hinata saw the senserity in his eyes. He really meant that.

"That's weird," Hinata said and giggled. The rain made his hair wet and it laid down following the form of his head. Taking his heart to heart moment so lightly was maybe a foul move of his, but it's too late to take it back now. How else was I supposed to react?!

"Shut up, don't act like you don't sing in the shower all the time!" Kageyama stated and punched him on the shoulder.

"I do not!"

"Yes, you do!"

"No, I don't!

"Yes, you do!"

"I don't!"

"You do!"

"I don't!

"You do!"

"I don't!"

"You.. DO!" Kageyama attacked Hinata with his fingers and tickled him across his stomach.

Hinata gave in and fell to the ground with his boyfriend on top of him. He was a mess, laughing, crying, twitching at Kageyamas touches. Completely soaked from the downpour and covered in dirty from the road, his wet shirt sticking to his body. And after all, he was happy because he found Kageyama. He didn't have to feel scared anymore.

"Stop! Ah! My bladder" Hinata held his stomach and crossed his legs to force himself not to pee.

"Tch, You're such a child" Kageyama scoffed and stopped tickling.

"I can't help it!" Hinata said and giggled. It was so adorable that Kageyamas heart almost died. He had missed that giggle so much.

"You're hair looks so strange when it's wet" Kageyama touched his boyfriends dripping hair with his lean, slender hand.

"I guess I have the same style as you now" He teased and played with Kageyamas hair back.

"Yeah? Well except yours looks horrible" He laughed and touched foreheads with Hinata.

He put a hand on Hinatas face and kissed him passionately, Hinata returned the kiss and their lips danced perfectly with each other. Just a moment ago, he thought he was never going to feel this feeling again.

They both have longed for this kiss for so long, they almost forgot what it felt like not to hide. Not to fake and pretend they were just friends when other people were around. I felt awesome. It felt like they had the whole world for themselves.

"Hey, how about we try to find our way home?" Hinata said when they let go and looked at his boyfriend like he was the only boy in the world.

"That sound good, I'm freezing my ass off!" Kageyama exclaimed and stood up over Hinata with his feet departed at his hips. "Here" He offered his hand for him to take.

"Please say butt." Hinata said and took his hand to help to stand up.

"Oh weren't you the one who said 'fuck' some minutes ago?" Kageyama teased and grinned playfully.

"I won't admit it" Hinata said and looked away.

"Oh look how shy you are, my little, pumpkin pie" Kageyama said and lifted Hinata up with his feet around his own hips.

"When did you become so romantic?" Hinata raised an eyebrow.

"When did you become so adorable?" He answered cheesily and gave him a peck on the lips again.

"This is really not like you." Hinata said and locked his hands around Kageyamas neck.

"Well, you like it so stop complaining" Kageyama answered and adjusted his grip around Hinata before realizing he would just slide off anyway. "Hop on the back instead, let's go home"

(*cough Tokyo Ghoul cough*)

(I'm so sorry)

And they wandered off on the country road together, soaking wet in the middle of the night. Happy because, they were finally together.


(Jk, end of chapter though xD)

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