Chapter fifteen - More than one

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"So they're dating huh?" Tanaka said while leaning against the door watching the couple practice. Kageyama tossing up and down with a ball in his hands and Hinata stretching beside him.

"Yeah, I always felt Kageyama had a little bit of a gay vibe. It shouldn't be a surprise to anybody. He's not that much of a bear but Hinata is definitely a twink, I bet he's the bottom too" Nishinoya spat receiving Tanakas confused face.

"Bear? Twink? What the hell are you talking about?" Tanaka felt like he was in class and Noya-sensei just kept talking about stuff he had never heard of. Just like a normal class.

"Ya know, gay stereotypes"

"Gay stereotypes?"

"Yes, gay stereotypes"

"Why the hell would I know about gay stereotypes, I'm not gay" He gave Nishinoya a look to ridicule his apparent assumption. 

"No, I don't know I just, I just-" Nishinoya hesitated.

"Are you trying to say that YOU are gay?" Seriousness in his tone, very unusual for Tanaka. But this, after all, was serious matters.

"Actually I'm bi, you can laugh all you want" Noya admitted and turned away, this was the first time he had so forwardly come out to someone. Why did it feel so embarrassing?

"Oh, not at all, man. It's cool. I mean bi, right? That's. Cool." Tanaka looked confused, but not disgusted. Noya was pleasantly surprised.

"You have no idea what it means, do you?"


They looked at each other for a minute and then broke out in laughter, they laughed until they had to hold for their stomachs. Tanaka almost shed a tear.

"Quiet down, what's the fuzz about?" Dadichi.. Oh, I'm sorry, Daichi said and stepped in the conversation with Suga close behind.

"Nothing.." Noya giggled and tried to cool himself down.

"You two should be practicing, we have a match with Nekoma next week" Daichi glared at them.

"A what?!" Both exclaimed and looked at each other. Their eyes sparkled and they both synchronized screamed "TRAINING CAMP BABY!"

"Keep it down, will you?" Daichi said again and did a motion with his hand.

"Well damn Noya, wanna roll sum thunder? We've got asses to kick" Tanaka said jokingly and looked at his trustful companion.

"Sure thing, let's go" And they both sprinted towards the net inside. Tanaka picked up a ball on the way.


The days went on a usual. Everyone was excited to meet Nekoma again. In fact, Hinata was so excited he jumped up and hit his head on the door frame when he heard it.. poor thing..

Kageyama was also excited, you couldn't tell though because you know, Kageyama is Kageyama. 

But he really enjoyed seeing Hinata like this, even though all his energy could be annoying at times. It was still cute and Kageyama knew it for sure. He would never admit it but everyone figured it out because he blushed so much, do you blame him? Damn it, he can't help it..

Meeting Nekoma meant a new camp, a new camp meant roommates, roommates mean lots of gay se.. I mean sharing bed.. Of course. This Kageyama knew, and boy was he excited.


"Is everyone here?" Sugamama turned around in his seat in the front to count them all.

"Don't worry they all should be, the bus starts moving in three minutes." Daichi said and looked at the clock on his wrist.

"Ennoshita" Suga stood up and watched like an eagle over the bus.

"I-on know, maybe he went somewhere" Tanaka said in his most southern accent he could think of with his feet on the seat in front of him and half a pack of gum in his mouth. He did a perfectly coordinated handshake with Noya without even looking.

"Tanaka, sit properly" Suga commanded, disappointed.

"Chill out, you're not my mom" Tanaka corrected himself in his seat and exchanged an eye-roll with Noya.

Right in that second Ennoshita appeared in the bus door, all eyes on him. He seemed fired up and excited, even though he looked calm as usual he had a different energy today.

"Good everyone's here, just in time" Suga says and sat down finally, he sighed knowing everyone's collected on the bus.

Ennoshita walked to the end of the bus and sat beside Tsukishima, on the other side of Yamaguchi of course. Asahi noted this as weird. Ennoshita usually didn't hang out with Tsukishima from what he knew. It's not a problem though, they seem to get along.

(Headcanon I saw on Tumblr once: Tsukkishima and Ennoshita are kinda childhood friends, they met in middle school in the dinosaur club, duh of course. Tsukkishima liked him because he was cool and calm, he felt like he could kinda trust him and talk about his feelings when he needed too and stuff like that whatever moving on)

"What were you doing? You almost missed the bus" Tsukishima took his earphones off of his ears and down on his neck.

"I had a date.." Ennoshita leaned closer and whispered in Tsukishima's ear, looking around concerned that anyone would hear him.

"With who?" Yamaguchi interrupts.

"You know this transfer student in our class? Well, we've been going out for a while" Ennoshita was flustered, which is unusual for him. His teeth were grinding and he didn't make eye contact.

"Huh? Congrats, I'm happy for you" Tsukkishima placed a hand on Ennoshitas shoulder and smiled a little.

"Sorry to ask, but are you going out with anyone? What's your like.. orientation?" Ennoshita half smiled a little nervous. They looked at each other for a while, Ennoshita knew Tsukkishima didn't prefer opening up about himself to just anybody. Though he took the risk to ask.

"Demisexual" Tsukkishima said short and broke eye contact, like it wasn't something important at all.

"Oh really? Who's the lucky girl?" Ennoshita leaned back in his seat and fetched a juice from his bag.

"I'm the lucky girl" Yamaguchi joined the conversation and held his hand up in the air and made a face so cute that Tsukkishima couldn't resist kissing his cheek.

"Oh cool, Yamaguchi, take care of him. He's my bro and if you hurt him.." Ennoshita warned.

"Don't worry, he's in safe hands" Yamaguchi looked at his lover, Tsukkishima smiled a little and kissed him on the lips this time. "I'm the one to take care of you in this relationship" he said in the air gaps between their lips and traced a finger across his jaw. Ennoshita realized he had triggered a make-out session between the two.

No more talking about feelings for Ennoshita, he just sat there like a third wheel and watched them love each other more and more with each kiss.

'Well, we're about to roll soon anyway..' He thought and picked up a book and sipped his juice as the bus slowly started moving forward.

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