Chapter sixteen - All your wives must die!

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"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"

"Yes, we are"



Hinata bounced up and down in his seat like an eager child on Christmas, he could not wait to meet Nekoma again. He kept asking Kageyama the same question, only receiving the same answer.

"I just want to nap, is that too much to ask for?" Kageyama said annoyed and put his earphones in his ears. Hinata actually settled down a bit but you could still feel his heavy breathing of excitement.

At long last, the bus finally slowed down and stopped outside the camp. Hinata was first out.

"Hinata wait!" Daichi shouted when seeing his little crow galloping down the bus stairs and out on the concrete.

He ran around like he had been charging up all that energy on the ride. Daichi kept an eye on him.. Or so he thought because as soon as he turned away to help carry a bag, he was gone. Daichi dropped the bag leaving poor Tanaka under it (it was a huge bag) and went searching for him. Hinata was nowhere to be seen.

Hinata took a deep breath of the warm air. He loved the camp, it was like a tiny vacation to the woods. It smelled of trees and wilderness and Hinata soared a little in every step he took, skipping towards the dorms.

He had been texting with Kenma ever since he got on the bus and he said he was already unpacking. No emojis. Hinata stopped for a second and caught his breath outside the door to Nekomas dormitory before knocking on it like a woodpecker. Kenma opened.

"Hinata, you're finally-" He got interrupted by Hinata's hugs, Kenma felt him breathing on his neck.

"It's so good to be at camp again, I'm so excited!" Hinata tweeted and let go to jump around in circles. "It's been too long!"

"I missed it too, I missed you.." Kenma said still standing at the door watching Hinata chirp.

"I missed you too, buddy" Hinata said and held up his fist. Kenma looked confused for a moment until he realized that he wanted a fist bump, Kuroo had taught him what that meant, and with a light touch on Hinatas knuckles, he gently bumped him.

Hinata invited himself into Nekomas dormitory and looked around, Kenma followed him. They found themselves in a long hallway of doors, at one end a kitchen and in the other a bathroom/showers and staff room.

"Eeyy! Shrimpo, what is he doing here?" Yamamoto came out of a room with a towel around his neck "You're on enemies territory, piss off!"

"Don't talk to him like that" Kenma snapped and an eyebrow twitched on his forehead.


"Yeah I know the drill kiddo, now, get out." Yamamoto said and slammed a door behind him.

"I'm sorry about that, he's been like that ever since we got here" Kenma said and itched his nose "Apparently some 'Nichole' dumped him. Anyways are you alright?" He turned to Hinata and touched his shoulder.

"I'm fine, I'm used to all the nicknames by now. They don't bother me." He looked Kenma in the eyes "I'll focus on the people who like me, and keep them close to me" scratching the back of his head and stepping away from Kenma's hand.

"Yeah, we can't help who we like right?" Kenma said slowly putting a strand of hair behind his ear.

"Speaking of which, Kageyama, I have to go. See ya at lunch!" Hinata said and was gone before Kenma could say anything else.

"Did you tell him?" Kuroo appeared suddenly behind Kenma. Kenma recognized his voice and instantly rolled his eyes.

"Shut up" Kenma took out his DS from a pocket in his pants.

"He better respond nicely, if I can't have you then he apparently can" Kuroo said with a sigh, Kenma knew. But Kuroo apparently loved to remind him.

"You know, I thought you would be angry when I turned you down..." Kenma said turning around to look at him.

"No, what? I want to help you, I want you to feel happy" Kuroo smiled. A painful smile.


Hinata came trotting back to the parking lot where the bus had stopped before, but everyone had left. The bus was empty and not a single human or bag could be seen, even his own bag was gone. He decided to follow the voices he heard behind a corner and there he found his teammates dealing bags with each other.

Daichi welcomed him with a big hug and asked where he went, but Hinata was way too busy with finding his dorm. This was way too exciting to stop and explain! He let the conversation end quickly and bounced into his own dormitory. Kageyama met him at the door.

"Hey dumbass, what took you so long? Did you go shit in the forest?"

"Nice to meet you too Kageyama" Hinata rolled his eyes.

"Our room is first to the left" Kageyama said and pointed down the hallway.

"Our?" Hinata turned around and the first door to the left stood ajar. He went inside and was welcomed by the smell of a room that hasn't been used since last season. Holding his nose he opened a window and let fresh air flow inside.

Someone had put his bag on the bunk bed in the corner, on the bed at the top. 'I guess I'm sleeping here..' he thought and climbed up the tiny ladder.

"Hey! It's lunch!" Kageyama appeared in the door.

"Okay, do you know what smells in here?" Hinata asked and opened the window a bit more from what he could reach from the bed.

"What do you mean?" Kageyama tilted his head.

"It smells like nobody has been in here since last year" Hinata let go of his nose to take another sniff.

"That's probably true" Kageyama said and looked at the clock "The last one to arrive at lunch is a moldy volleyball!" He screamed suddenly and ran as fast as he could out of the house.

"Hey!" Hinata shouted and ran after him.

They sprinted towards the dining hall, even in speed it was impossible to tell who was the fastest. It ended with both of them arriving at the same time and Hinata tackling Kageyama so hard that he fell to the ground. Hinata climbed on top of him and shouted:

"Surrender! For I will kill all your wives!" in a faked play voice with an imaginary sword to the throat of his victim.

"Oh no! Anything but that!" Kageyama played along and placed a hand on his forehead to act extra dramatic.

Both broke up in laughter and laughed so hard they had to hold their stomachs. Hinata dried a tear from his eye with the side of his hand

After cooling down a bit, Hinata said "I will kill your wives Kageyama"

And Kageyama said "But I only have you" and smooched Hinata right on the lips.

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