Chapter 9: Wedding Part 2

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Hello. It's me. I was wondering if you guys are still reading this because I'm so bad at updating! I know I say this every time but I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in 100 years. My life is hilariously busy right now and I've finally come out as transgender to my friends and family :D. I'll try and update more from now.

- Femke

It was the night of the wedding and Tom and Benedict were holding a party at our place. At the present moment, Rhiannon, Caylah and I were all hiding away in my room, trying to decide what to wear to the celebration party thing that would be later this evening. At the present moment, I was battling over wearing a blue/green dress with sparky things on it, or a nice black dress that barely covered my arse that had little bits of lace. Caylah and Rhiannon were trying to convince me to wear the black dress, saying that it'd make me look sexy, although that wasn't exactly my aim at my father's wedding party. It was at that point that I realized that Jonathan-Mitchell or whatever his name is would be there. Hmmmm. Maybe the black dress wouldn't be such a bad idea.

After months and months of arguing, we finally got dressed into our respective dresses. To be perfectly honest, we looked hot. Like, really really hot. I'd secretly come up with a fabulous plan to get Caylah a boyfriend while she was still over. I'd texted Jonathan-Mitchell and asked him to bring a plus one for Caylah so we could set them up and get all that wonderful happily ever after stuff that most teenagers love.

"You nervous?" Caylah asked me. Apparently I'd been shaking or something.

"Nah I'm fine. It'll be cool to meet all of Dads' friends. I might see some famous people"

I bit my lip, trying to imagine some amazingly hot singer sweeping me off my feet and eloping with me. Someone like Mitch Grassi. Yeah. That sounds good. The three of us wandered downstairs to where the after party was happening. I recognized a few people from movies and stuff. It all felt a bit surreal. I lead Caylah and Rhiannon into the kitchen so we could actually eat something. We'd not eaten since lunch and those two seriously need their food.

"What do y'all want?" I asked, absentmindedly rummaging through the pantry for a decent morsel of food. I managed to find a few biscuits that weren't moudly and I handed them to my friends, while making a mental note to make Benedict go shopping for groceries at some point. I wandered out into the living room, leaving my friends behind in the kitchen. It was then that I saw a particularly hot member of the male species. He was tall with dark hair and eyes that resembled sapphires sparkling in the light. I could feel my internal organs melting as he impregnated me with his godly hotness. Maybe I could work up the courage to say hi? Ha, not likely. I am the queen and supreme ruler of all things awkward in this world. But, being the complete idiot I am, I walked up to him and attempted to be normal.

"Hey", I squeaked.

The God of Sexual Frustration turned around and flashed a smile at me. I swear I nearly peed myself then and there.

"Hello darling" he replied, his voice deep and mellow. I had to restrain myself from squealing.

"Do you remember me?" he asked, shaking me from my daze.

"I... ummm... no? Have we met?" I started to freak out. How could I possibly forget a perfectly fuckable specimen like him?

"Yeah. I'm Mitch, remember? I play Alex Watson?" he laughed

I began to blush.

"Ohhhhhhhh you're Jonathan-Mitchell! I'm sorry, you look so different out of costume"

The God of Wet Panties raised an eyebrow, causing me to blush once again.

"I mean, that's not a bad thing. You look better like this, like it's more natural and.... I'm so sorry I'm really awkward, you're hot. Wait what?" I rambled.

Mitch laughed, a twinkle coming into his gorgeous blue eyes.

"Just call me Mitch, and you're forgiven for not recognizing me. I don't mind you being awkward. It's cute"

Cute? He thought I was cute? I swear I died right there and then.

"I.. uh.. thanks" I grinned. Mitch smiled back at me.

"Would you like to dance?" he asked, extending his hand to me. I nodded enthusiastically and took it. His hand was warm and soft, and the touch sent tingles up my arm.

He guided me into the middle of the room, and took my waist, pulling me closer to him. Our faces were close together and I could feel his breath on my face. We danced for what seemed like hours, my mind barely registering anything that happened around me. I didn't notice my dads watching us fondly, or Caylah and this blonde dude coming and dancing next to us, or Rhiannon hollering and wolf-whistling in the background. I was only focused on Mitch, and how amazing his dancing was. When we finally stopped, I felt more than a bit upset, which was soon replaced with happiness as Mitch pulled me into a hug.

"I'll see you at work, yeah? Text me" he whispered in my ear. I shivered and nodded, and went to pull away, but not before he could leave a small kiss on my cheek.

"It's official" I announced, throwing myself onto my bed and turning to face my friends. They raised an eyebrow at me.

"I am 100% in love with Mitch" I continued.

Caylah rolled her eyes and threw a pillow at me.

"You're mad" she replied.

I didn't care. No matter what anyone said to me, it was still the best wedding ever and I couldn't be happier now that I had a potential love interest, and my dads were a proper couple.

Adopted by Tom Hiddleston and Benedict CumberbatchWhere stories live. Discover now