Chapter 2: New Family Members

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I awake, once again, to the smells of bacon and eggs. I leapt out of the large double bed I was lying in and bounded down the stairs. “BAAACCCOONNN!!!!!!” I whooped as I hurtled toward the kitchen. I could hear Tom’s giggle echoing in the hallway. When I entered to kitchen, I stopped dead in my tracks and covered my eyes with both my hands. Tom was sitting on the bench top, his legs wrapped around Benedict’s waist and they were in the midst of a passionate make-out session. “OH THE PAIN! OH GLORY! OH HELL!” I screamed dramatically as I ran out of the room and flopped onto the ground, rocking my body back and forth. I heard a gasp and Benedict swore loudly. “Damn there are some things that children should never have to see their parents doing and by God that was one of them. I can NEVER unsee that!!!” I continued to wail at the top of my voice. I turned on my butt towards the kitchen and peeked through my fingers. “Is it safe to come in, or do you two need to have a cold shower together?” I asked in a purposefully meek voice. “You can come in” Benedict chuckled. I stood up and shuffled back into the kitchen, my eyes closed just in case they were bullshitting. I felt someone put their hand on my shoulders and draw my in to a hug. “Sorry, darling” the deep baritone said. Benedict. “Do never do that again,” I grumbled into his chest. Someone snorted. I figured it was Tom. I looked over Benedict’s shoulder, and lo and behold, the curly haired British git was giggling to himself with a hand over his mouth. “You’re a cock Thomas” I growled. “ I know, I know,” he laughed. I flipped him off, but not before Benedict could see. He turned around as quick as a flash and grabbed my finger. “Don’t. Do. That. Again” he growled. I was shocked, because Benedict was usually the one who flipped ME off. Hypocrite. “Ok ok, sorry” I said, holding my hands up in defeat.

 Once the boys finally got around to feeding me, we had a serious discussion over bacon and eggs. “So,” Tom cut through the awkward silence. “Ben and I were thinking about getting a pet. More specifically, kittens”. There was a long silence as I took in their words. I tried to keep my composure, but failed miserably as my face light up. I screamed and jumped up from my chair. I started to dance around my dads, laughing and shouting whist jumping up and down. “YASSSSS!!!!! WE’RE GETTING KITTENSSSS” WHOOOOOO” I whooped at the top of my voice. I threw myself into Tom’s lap and wrapped my arms around his neck in a strangling hug. “Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou” I babbled. Tom patted my back and pressed a kiss to my temple. “You’re very welcome, love. Think of it as a “Welcome home” present” he said. I awkwardly climbed off his lap and started to run out of the kitchen, shouting “I’m gonna go get dressed” as I raced off.

 The car ride to the pet store was one of the longest trips of my life, or a least it felt that way. The whole time, I was hurriedly telling Tom and Benedict what I wanted to call my kitten, asking them if the name was ok and trying to get out of them what they would call their kittens. We had made a decision to get 3 kittens, one for each of us. When we finally arrived, I leapt out of the car and dragged Tom into the store by his hand, leaving Benedict to pay for the parking. Once in the store, I immediately gravitated towards the kittens. There were so many to choose from, but I had already found the one I wanted. There was this one little kitten that was at the back of his little enclosure. All the other kittens were pressed up against wall, their tiny wet noses making marks on the glass, but this kitten didn’t have any room to be able to come and say hi. He looked slightly crestfallen and more than a little bit pathetic, but I fell in love with him immediately. His eyes were bright blue and his fur was white with light brown smudges all over it. He was utterly adorable. I tugged on Tom’s arm and pointed towards the kitten. “It’s that one adorable?” I cooed. Tom nodded slightly; he seemed a bit pre-occupied by the little black kitten that had just started a fight. “Can I get him?” I asked.  Tom nodded again and went up to the front desk to ask if I could hold the tiny thing. A lady came over to us and opened up the enclosure, lifting the kitten out and handed him to me. The kitten mewed softly and snuggled its small body into the crook of my arm. I giggled manically as he licked my nose when I held him up to my face. I spent another 5 minutes playing with him, during which Tom and Benedict both picked out their kittens. The lady gave us all the paperwork we needed in order to adopt them. The kittens were carefully bundled into a carrier and we drove home.

 Once we arrived home again, I got a proper look at the kittens Tom and Benedict had chosen. Tom had ended up choosing the black kitten that had started the fight. The kitten had bright green eyes and jet-black fur. He was constantly fighting with Benedict’s kitten and mine. Tom had informed us in the car that he was going to call his kitten Loki. I thought that it was a very suitable name for the little ball of fur. Benedict had chosen a kitten with brown and slightly wavy fur and green blue eyes. With this kitten, it was very hard to tell what his aim in life was. He often liked to sit back and observe Loki and my kitten as they rolled around on the floor. He didn’t like to chase string or eat out of our hands. In fact, he seemed remarkably intelligent for an animal of his age and species. Taking all of this into account, Benedict named him, rather aptly if I do say so, William Sherlock Scott Holmes, or William for short. I had never laughed so hard in my life when I heard my Dads’ choices of names for their kittens. But in all seriousness, I think I gave my kitten the best name. Because his fur was creamy with brown smudges, I had joked that he looked like a milkshake and it kind of stuck. So that what I called him.

 I came downstairs after skyping one of my friends, to find Tom and Benedict asleep on the sofa. Benedict’s body was enveloped by Tom’s arms, his head resting on Tom’s chest. Loki was snoozing in-between Tom’s neck and shoulder, and William was curled up on Benedict’s lap. I giggled and took out my phone, snapping a photo so I could surreptitiously post it on Tumblr. I couldn’t believe what my life was like now. The Three Musketeers. Little Milkshake, Loki and William. The new members of our family.

Adopted by Tom Hiddleston and Benedict CumberbatchWhere stories live. Discover now