Chapter 3: Disaster in Hyde Park

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I woke up the next morning with Milkshake curled up on my chest. I lay there for a few minutes, just stroking his fur and enjoying the feeling of the sun on my face as it peeped through the curtains. I could hear some noises coming from Tom and Benedict’s room across the hall. I covered Milkshake’s small ear with my hands. “You’re too young to be hearing that kind of stuff,” I whispered into his fur. He just yawned and snuggled further into my chest. I carefully reached over to my bedside table to grab my phone and composed a text to Benedict


Tell Tom to stop moaning and shut up

 I heard whispering and banging around in the other room. I couldn’t tell what they were saying but it didn’t take a genius to figure out that they were pissed off at me for interrupting their early morning “fun”. My phone chimed as I received a text. As I was about to go and check it, my text alert went off again. I smirked. Either Benedict had texted me twice, probably telling me to get up, or he’d told Tom and the God of Mischief himself was texting me.


Sorry for waking you up love. Be downstairs in 20 minutes, k? We’re going out.


I wasn’t moaning that loud. But anyways, I hope you have nothing planned for next week Friday. We’re thawing Benedict out to eat.

 I collapsed back onto my pillows in a fit of uncontrollable laughter. This had been the 3rd time this week that Tom’s phone had gotten the better of him. I was still giggling while I texted him back.


Thaw him out to eat? That’s a bit harsh. I thought you loved him.


I do love him. What are you on about?


Check your last text, Thomas


Oh god....... I meant we’re THAWING him out to eat


Oh that clears it up


Taking. I’m getting a new phone, I swear this one’s trying to ruin my life.


Well this has been a fun chat. See you soon.


Just as I sent the text I heard someone open the door to my room. I looked up to see Benedict peeking his head around the door. “Can I come in?” he asked. I nodded and patted the space at the end of the bed. He walked in and sat down next to me. “You ok?” he asked. I nodded my head, ever so slightly confused as to where this was coming from. “It’s just, you seem quieter than you did a week ago. What going on? Are you not happy with us?”. I sighed and leaned forward so my head was resting on his deltoid. “I’m fine Benedict. It’s just, my life, kinda, changed a few days ago”. I explained. He looked confused so I decided to continue. “I..... ummmm..... I’ve met someone. And they asked me to be their girlfriend and I said yes. Please don’t be mad”. Benedict looked at me. I couldn’t quite tell what emotion he facial expressions held, but he wasn’t shouting at me. After a long time of staring at me, he said carefully, “You have a boyfriend?”. I nodded meekly and hung my head. I heard him chucking and looked up in confusion. “Come here” he grinned as he pulled me into a hug. “It was bound to happen, love. Just know that if he hurts you, Tom and I will remove certain sensitive parts of his body”. I laughed loud and long. “Thanks Dad” I smiled. Benedict blushed and patted me lightly on the head. “See you downstairs soon”.

Breakfast’s conversation was absolutely ridiculous and filled with Hiddlesbatch feels. Clearly Benedict had told Tom that I called him “Dad” and now we were confused as to what I should call them. “I’m fine with just Tom and Benedict but I can call you both Dad or something if you want” I said while munching on my cornflakes. Tom’s eyes light up as I said this and he shouted out “I BAGS BEING CALLED DAD!!!”. I nearly choked on my food as I laughed. I finally spoke after all remaining particles of food had been expelled from my airways. “I’ll just call you both Dad and if you’re both in the room, then I’ll call you by your first name”. The boys nodded in agreement and enveloped me in a hug from each of them.

Once I’d gone back upstairs to get ready, Tom and Benedict lay on the sofa in each other’s arms. “We now officially have a daughter,” Tom giggled as he kissed Benedict’s temple lovingly. “Yeah. You know, if this turns out to be a really good experience, then we could maybe think of having baby. Like, surrogate or something” Benedict suggested. Tom smiled and kissed Benedict softly. “Sounds great, love. Now. Let’s go take our current monster to the park”.

Upon arriving at the park, I learnt that the massive basket Tom had been luging along contained a picnic that the boy planned to set up under a tree. I helped them lay out the blanket and threw myself down on the ground; my limbs sprawled across the ground. Benedict chuckled fondly and nudged my leg with his foot. “You can’t be tired already, love”. I shook my head. “This is just too nice to not lie down on the ground with the sun in my face.” I explained, shielding my eyes from the intensity of the sun’s light. Benedict lay down next to me and let out a sigh of contentment. “This is quite nice actually. Let’s just leave Tom to make the lunches.”. I giggled at what Benedict was suggesting and rolled over so I was lying on my stomach with the grass tickling my nose. “OI!” Tom shouted when he saw Benedict and myself casually sprawled on the grass. “Aren’t you two going to help, or do I have to do everything”. “You have to do everything” I giggled and let out a small scream as I felt Tom’s arms wrap around my waist and lift me up. “TOOMMM!!!! PUT ME DOWN” I screamed. You know that moment when all your blood has rushed to your head and you’re trying to sound firm, but you’re really laughing really hard, and you have that kind of maniac giggle? That is what happened to me just then. Tom laughed along with me, while Benedict grabbed by hands and tried to drag me down. When Tom finally set me down, my head was pounding and I still had the giggles. “Do you want to eat now?” Tom asked, panting ever so slightly. I nodded happily and sighed in content as I bit into my sandwich. Tom had made us ham and lettuce sandwiched, which although they sound horrible, they are actually amazing. As I ate, I tried desperately to ignore Benedict and Tom. The two were cuddled up to each other, kissing each other ever so often and feeding each other their food. I noticed that the tree above us had some really good branches for climbing. I scarfed down the rest of my sandwich and grabbed Benedict’s arm. “Come climb the tree with me!” I suggested. Benedict groaned and tried to explain that he was perfectly comfy where he was. “But Daaddd” I whined, knowing how calling him Dad made him succumb to me every demand. “Ugh, fine”.

I grinned and lead to the tree. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he gave me a boost up the tree. I grabbed the branch above me and pulled myself up. “See how high up you can go” Benedict suggested after he got himself up onto the branch. “Be careful!” Tom shouted from beneath us. “Don’t worry, I will” I replied. I grabbed onto more tree branches and climbed up the trunk. Benedict was behind me the whole time, making sure that I wouldn’t fall. As I grabbed onto the branch above me, I heard and snap, and the branch gave way. I started to fall. I felt someone grab my arm, but I slipped from their grasp. I could see the ground rushing up to meet me. I could feel my arm snapping beneath me, and my head smashed up against the ground. I saw stars, and for one horrible moment, I thought I was going to throw up. All of a sudden, there were hands on my body. I could hear voices around my head, it sounded like Tom and Benedict. I was lifted up into a pair of strong arms, causing me to scream in pain. I could hear sirens and I was lowered onto a stretcher. “Dad” I said weakly, before the darkness consumed me.

Adopted by Tom Hiddleston and Benedict CumberbatchWhere stories live. Discover now