Chapter 10: Let the Fun Begin

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*gasp* 10 points to Femke for updating 2 days in a row, rather than 600 years apart!!! I have also realised that all my endings are absolute crap, but thanks for bearing with me :P


Now that the wedding was all done and dusted, I had time to hang out with my friends and my dads. I had finally started calling them "Dad", probably because they'd both made the decision to have children. Caylah, Rhiannon and I had begun helping them to find surrogate mothers, design the nursery, write lists of names, all that good stuff. Benedict had found a lady on a website who would be willing to carry their child, and Tom had agreed to have a visit with her, to see what she was like. We decided to go see her after dropping Rhiannon off at the airport. It was going to be a bittersweet day. On one hand, we were going to meet the lady that might become the mother of my siblings, but on the other hand, I was going to have to say goodbye to one of my best friends. Rhiannon had to go back home for her brother's wedding, and sadly her parents weren't willing to send her back to us. Thankfully, Caylah would be staying for another year.

The five of us all piled into the car, and we began the depressing ride to Heathrow. While in the car, us 3 kids did a de-brief of out favourite moments together.

"I loved the fact that you avoided Papa like the plague" I grinned, referring to how Rhiannon always scurried away from Benedict whenever he appeared in the room. Rhiannon blushed and hit me on the arm.

Once arriving at the airport, Tom and Benedict allowed Caylah and I some time with Rhiannon before sending her to her doom. I mean, sending her home....

"Have a fun wedding, remember earplugs cause Bryn is loud, and please come back to visit soon" I said, attacking her and pulling her into a tight hug. Caylah did the same, and then Rhiannon turned to Tom and Benedict.

"Thanks for being such great hosts and allowing me to stay in your humble abode" she thanked them poshly. They laughed and hugged her each in turn. I swear I didn't cry when she left, there must have just been rain or something in my eye.

I feel bad for saying this, but all my sadness was gone when I remembered what we'd be doing now.

"Car car car car get in the car" I babbled, taking Tom's hand and Caylah's arm, dragging them along with me. It took Benedict a while longer to get to the car, probably because we would have been halfway across the airport before he realized we were gone.

He climbed in, looking a little bit mad.

"Why didn't you fuckwits wait for me?" he grumbled, starting the car engine.

"You should have kept up, dear" Tom replied cheerfully, bringing Benedict's hand up to his mouth and kissing the knuckles softly.Benedict pouted, and we began the drive to the surrogate lady's house.

Upon arriving there, I noticed that it looked like a very child-friendly home. The garden was largish and well taken care of. The four of us ambled up to the front door. Tom was the one to knock.

"Just a second" a voice sang from the other side. I glanced over at Benedict, who was looking nervous, his hand holding onto Tom's in a harsh grip. The footsteps on the other side of the door were getting closer, and all of a sudden, the door flew open. When I saw the lady, I knew for sure she'd be the one for my dads.

"Hello dears!" she exclaimed. "My name is Holly. I'm assuming you're Thomas and Benedict"

Tom stepped forwards and shook her hand.

"Yeah that's us. I'm Tom, this is Benedict, and this is our adopted daughter Femke with her friend Caylah" he introduced us. I smiled at Holly and she beamed back at me.

The inside of the house was quite like ours. Most things were clean and white, but there were a few kids toys scattered over the floor.

"Please excuse the mess" Holly called over her shoulder as she showed us into the living room. I had to catch Caylah and stop her from falling when she skidded over a toy car. We both giggled to each other.

Holly was actually the most hilarious woman I had ever met. She had the entire family in stiches on a regular basis, and I could tell that Tom and Benedict were already certain that she was the one. Holly explained to us about how she enjoyed doing stand up comedy work, and that she spent far too much time on Tumblr, being the runner of one of the largest SuperWhoLock blogs on the website. She was a single mum of 2, that also often enjoyed carrying babies for other people.

"So do you have any questions?" she asked Tom after she'd explained everything.

"Um, yeah. We were wondering if it was possible for us to somehow have twins, but the two babies be from both of us? Like, I have a kid with my genetics and Ben has one with his?" Tom asked.

Holly's face light up.

"Of course! I would love to carry twins for you."

Tom and Benedict grinned happily at each other

"Oh, also" Holly continued, "If you want, you could give me your... um... stuff. Now. So I can go in to the clinic this week?"

Benedict looked startled, but Tom took his hand reassuringly

"Yeah, that'd be great"

So they went off to give each other handjobs, while Holly, Caylah and I sat downstairs, playing with Holly's daughter, and trying our hardest not to listen to their moans. Holly remained surprisingly calm throughout the whole thing, even though there were two strange men jerking off in her upstairs bathroom.

When we arrived home, Benedict and Tom were oddly happy. Caylah and I giggled about this, saying that it was probably because they'd just given each other monumental orgasms. The four of us flopped onto the sofa together, giddy with excitement for the two babies.

"I can't believe we're having a baby" Tom sighed happily, taking Benedict's hand in his.

"I think you mean you're having 2 babies" I reminded him. Naturally Caylah and I burst into peals of laughter at the thought of either of them physically giving birth to a child.

Tom and Benedict joined in, and soon we were all rolling around on the ground. It was times like these that made me appreciate my little family so much.

Adopted by Tom Hiddleston and Benedict CumberbatchWhere stories live. Discover now